Poetry competition CLOSED 29th June 2012 9:46am
View Profile Poems by Danii
RUNNERS-UP: Viddax and nikkimoe

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alon aLion
Fire of Insight
Bahamas 8awards
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 299

Two babies are born to my Exes side of the family.
One is clearly newborn,
the other surprisingly months older.
After a feeding, the Newborn dies,
seemingly by food poisoning.
A few days later I return to my Mother-In-Law`s house.
The dead infant is still there, on the floor,
decomposing putridly.
I offer to dispose of it
and put the rotting cadaver in my Blue briefcase.
I hit the road on my mission,
but get sidetracked in the mundane business of an average day:
work, shopping, errands, etc.
Suddenly I  realize I`m still toting the tiny dead body.
The surface of the briefcase is slowly staining due to
the moldering corpse within.
I meet my family-by-marriage at a diner,
all the while knowing I must turn the festering lump in to authorities.
The alive toddler-like newborn is in a restaurant highchair.
It slips out, falls,
hitting its head on the sharp corner of the dinner table.  
It dies instantly.
I, Of course take the responsibility of disposing of this body too.
I arrive at some sort of private medical clinic
with dripping blue bag in one hand
and the limp fresher corpse under my other arm.
A uniformed woman leads me to a room,
eyeing me suspiciously.
She leaves me in this grey stucco enclosure
and closes the door behind her.
The stench of the decaying flesh is overpowering.
I open the door.
I realize no one will understand why Ive been holding
these dead bodies for so long,
so I flee the clinic.
I decide that
since the kids are in no way
related to me by blood,
I am not responsible for them.
I decide to just leave them
to be stumbled upon in a busy public place.
I choose the airport.
As soon as I make it through the terminal's revolving door
a phalanx of security guards accost me.
They sieze the decaying babies.
They slip a metal hoop over my head and shoulders.
It tightly restricts  my movement.
They say I am guilty of crimes against G*D.
They hand custody of me over to heavily armed military personell.
I`m held in a glass walled security office.
A crowd begins to gather.
I hear snippets of conversation
indicating that
I am some kind of horrible inhuman serial killer.
Somehow I am released on bail,
(G*D bless the A.C.L.U.)
I find myself in an alleyway
reasoning with all sorts of friends,family and aquaintences.
Some are incredulous to the fact that anyone could think I a killer.
Some are quite skeptical.
Suddenly I realize
that the first baby was allergic to Banana Seeds.
Much earlier we had all been enjoying
the fruit of my Mother-in-Law`s Banana Tree.
I notice that I am holding
a banana from that tree and
had just taken a bite from it.  
I spit the huge chunk into my hand.  
The ejected hunk of food has
oversized seeds that look like Roaches......
.....Two babies are born to my Exes side of the family.
One is clearly newborn,
the other surprisingly months older.
After a feeding, the Newborn dies,
seemingly by food poisoning.
A few days later I return to my Mother-In-Law`s house.......

Twisted Dreamer
Philippines 4awards
Joined 31st May 2012
Forum Posts: 79

Fuckin' Love Verse!!!

Fuck you BITCH!!!  
Fuck you for hurting me!!!  
Fuck you for screwing!!!  
Fuck you for letting me suffer!!!  
Fuck you for making me bleed!!!  
Fuck you for causing me too much pain I don't fuckin' deserve!!!  
Fuck you for ruining my life!!!  
Fuck you for making a fool out of me!!!  
Fuck you for cheating!!!  
Fuck the sorrow!!!  
Fuck the tears!!!  
Fuck the miseries!!!  
Fuck the burden!!!  
Fuck the lies!!!  
Fuck all your shits!!!  
Fuck all your broken promises!!!  
Another FUCK for your fuckin' new bedmate!!!  
I just want you to get the fuckin' out of my life!!!  
Fuck the LOVE!!!  
Fuck everything!!!  

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

nikkimoe said:April 15 Its the day taxes are due in the united states...Oh, duh. lol right after my birthday.

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083


Home is no more
Home of what once was
Smashing and momma thrashing
You killed her
She killed me
My spirit lives in these walls
I was an angel who you pushed me to fall
I remember it so well
The way she forced me to take a bath
The water was much too deep
She came in and forced me under
My lungs collapsed and filled with water
And then came father
He blugened her, taking her like
And cut his throat with his own knife
I relive those moments everyday
Seeking the price one day
You'll pay

Lord Viddax
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 3941

Hellish un-vigour

Blasted hell.
Spare me from this Heavenblight
this, this enfeebling poison from within
Curses and vengeful thoughts but little
While me clipped left arm wing
hugs my side trying to stem the pain
Not pain from a grat wound
But pain from hellfire
Blasted hellfire.
It runs through my chest
Clawing around my heart
I scratch the skin surface to keep the tremors away.
Ah, that was not so good
Try to focus
Try to become calm.
Blasted heart beats with all the force of War's hellforges.
If only I was well enough to war myself
but the cold-blood pain ruins my thoughts.
What once beta in time with my bones
now beats to its drum.
Until finally the engine slows in sleep
Hell freezes over and I regain my strength.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

What is Hell

Eternal flames in cauldron burn
A lake of brimstone
As far as eyes can behold
Smell of sulphur of burning bones
Of sinners unrepentant
Of their evil wrong doings
That is hell

Of gnashing of teeth
And tormented wails
Of screaming for surcease
From punishment vile
Of unheard prayers
From the truly damned
That is hell

The man at the pulpit
With flashing eyes
Spittle spraying the altar boys
Screams this version of hell
To all that would listen
He is the conductor
For he knows hell

He knows the minions of hell
In the way he takes boys
Prods them in their nether place
With his holy hardness
Gropes the hardened breasts
Silicon padded
Of weak kneed matrons

He chants hell and excommunication
As he feasts on the ambrosia
Between the open legs
Of his admiring devotees
Take this for it is his pleasure
No one says nay
To the man of God
For he knows absolution

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411

[font=Courier New][size=2]

< the hell of perfect round burgers >

    we're overcome  
    with the long relationship  
    of love  
    with seeds  
    from some new fruit  


    the opposite  
    to the hell of perfect round burgers frying deliciously  
    the hell  
    the opposite of winter  
    loses count  
    of your seeds  
    the seeds i eat  
    each one  
    been growing in me for so long  
    you'd think  
    i was ready for birth  
    or at least the pain  
    i can smell you    
    maybe dream you    
    in another room  
    taking a shit  
    (even dreams have to shit)  
    while i keep your shine in a velvet bag  
    (the shine of still lakes in the moon)  
    in the hills  
    (an old turtle sunning himself)  
    while handfuls of us  
    through our mouths  
    (we're coming like rain in a shower)  
    like pomegranates  
    pulled wide  
    our jelly seeds  
              - - -    

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

Good job to all who submitted, and the runner up's, and thank you for the trophy. :)

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