Poetry competition CLOSED 26th June 2012 5:29am
View Profile Poems by Danii
RUNNERS-UP: BleedingInferno219 and firedaughter

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Billy Waise
Lost Thinker
Joined 10th June 2012
Forum Posts: 42

It was the most beautiful air castle I have ever seen
was not there just because ,
it had the largest foundation ever higher and ever built
there were found the bravest warriors of dreams
and his enemies never even had the idea of attacking it.

Everything ever created departed from thence
It was said that all roads guided toward
the sky, just never the same, always dream it someone new
believe me not only had no locks, there were no doors

Someone once said that 27 cascades also fell within
that there they had no habits, no time, no regrets
inside the vaults were all the illusions from around the world
but in the poorest part of the kingdom was lying reality
and of it were banished only the carriers of the fear of failure.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

I remember one night I was having the most wonderful dream.There was a great feeling of peace and happiness until a
blackness came like someone had thrown a tin of paint over the scenery and it was making it's way downward clinging to

I found myself breathing in an acrid stench
akin to a bin full of rotting chicken
my stomach turned, my lips and eyes burned

the sky opened sending what looked like blisters
big and brown floating down then hovering
bursting into a smelly slimy sticky puss

I coughed and a thousand crows took flight  
and I saw a woman crawling towards me
no pick of flesh or bone below her knees
her tongue tied to her neck with bloody sinew
I knew her,and the recognition gave me a fright

The last thing I remember was fighting for my life
against a load of rabid chimps hip deep in cold blood



Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896

I Dream...


I dream … dreams, some decipherable and full meaning,
others enigmatic, unfathomable and fleeting.
I dream …of you, seen yet unseen, gleanings
of notions and emotions from underlying feelings.

I dream … of cravings, yearnings underestimated,
my will abated, ache and desires  abbreviated.
I dream…as our friendship is comfortably acclimated,
we realize our long lived loneliness is becoming accentuated.

I dream…sentimentally of being singularly chosen
by a love time will stand still for as if perpetually frozen.
I dream… daring to care of things purposely forgotten,
of romantically chaste letters although verboten.

I dream…of old fashioned concepts and chivalrous intentions,
correlating responses to genteel  and affable conversations.
I dream…of accessing the constellations in your eyes’ observations,
calming my galloping expectations and unintentional emanations.

I dream…of sweet declarations while being held ever so gently,
discreet but earnestly contained passions confessed ardently.
I dream…incessantly of innocent longings magnified poignantly,
while modestly remaining silent  but always unrepentantly.

I dream…vividly of passionate kisses and gregarious affections,
experiencing the wonder of sensual yet tender ministrations.
I dream… little dreams wishing you were sharing the assignation,
then I awaken, understanding this was a dream of my own creation.

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 663

The Dream.

I've seen a dream
with my eyes open
of my death, in crimson dusk
in violet rage.

On a rod of iron
my carcass decays
mirrored visions
in twisted delay
ravens flocking
they've come to pray
and rip and feast
as vultures glare.

The sky ignites
an angel appears
A red dot glows
not far from here
engulfed in black
biting my skin
the mountains behind
have fallen grim.

A heavy fog invades
the sounds of the supper
orange they glow
in violet silk
screaming out my name
punish me still.

I see but I'm free
to view my death
from anywhere I please
above me, below
beside and inside
I feel that carcass's pain
his thoughts, his fears.

But I choose to sit
in a corner in tears
I hate it because it is death
that my wishes truly endear.

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Eye To Eye        

There we are
just us two
the orange sol of far
is close to you
the heavenly of star
from inside grew
your like a sweety jar
when I look , I always drool
your backed by the Azure
that can lure  
my child , my fool
the brightest of the pure
for sure
my new sky blue .

As the spectrum splits the white
from all colour in daylight
I see you then but you get fuller
by the night
from  gentle frilly pink
to a mental rich red fight
all indigoe's in sync
with a rose to shade a plight

Stood on a beach
we go eye to eye
soon if I don't reach
my blood
it will be dry
so come on let me teach
my love
that does
not lie
for the last time I beseech
you before I die .

Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 718

Idk if this counts, but...


Wonder, wonder aloud.
Sleepwalker drifting through the crowd.
Do not object to her love unrequited,
Dear, watch your head, don’t get excited.
Sweetest sleepwalker plummeting downstairs,
How do you rest with blood in your hair?
Darling sleepwalker, surely you’re faking?
Blood oozing down, you must be aching.
Sleepwalker, you’re dangerous and it frightens me so,
I cannot wake you but only watch where you go.
Mumbling, like you’ve been known to do…
Dejected, my sweet, your life is nearly through.
Sleepwalker, sleepwalker, you won't know what happened.
Blonde hair matted red, you aren’t even saddened.
Piddling about, feeling for knives,
I wonder if you would stop if you opened your eyes?
Wander, wander, wander silent.
Sleepwalker drifting through the riot.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

I just wanna say good job to those who submitted, and congrats to the runner ups, and thank you levi.  :)

Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896

Congrats Danii!

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Daniii...wow!! *Applause*

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

Thank you ladies! You're all so sweet.      ;)    :D

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