Poetry competition CLOSED 26th June 2012 5:29am
View Profile Poems by Danii
RUNNERS-UP: BleedingInferno219 and firedaughter

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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2016

Poetry Contest

Write about a dream you remember
Anyway write about the dream, your thoughts, the people in it, and so forth in poetic form. I really like a rhyme.
Poems will be judged on presentation and your observations.

Here is one I have written for an example:

A dream from the other night

I had a dream
That we were writing
and as always
I was amazed by your poetry

I looked at your work
and found something odd
I thought is was from a song
you said it was not

I pulled out the album
and realized we were both in a church
I matched up the lyrics
and it matched, even though it hurt

I was sad to say
that you wrote something from a song
and I believe you didn't know
and nothing was wrong

I awoke confused as ever
I have only met you one time
that was over a year ago
then how did you look so defined?

It was weird
my dreams grabbed
bits and pieces
that I didn't know I had

So as you reading this
do you agree with me?
I have dreams
about the weirdest things.

Since it is about someone who will probably read it(I won't tell who), I will explain it.

I had a dream that me and said person was writing, and I was intrigued by their work. I found it familiar though, so I checked on a BlessTheFall Album(one that doesn't exist in real life) and found that they had the same thing as the lyrics more or less. We were at church. When I awoke I found it odd that in this dream they had seem so life like, like they were there, now I have only me this person once a long time ago and I found it odd my subconsciousness  pulled all of those bits and pieces out of what I thought was deleted memory.

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

Last night I dreamt of you
There you were
It had been nearly a year since the fatal accident that took you from me
Rain was in your hair despite the blistering sunshine
Your eyes were glazed over, as I last remembered them
I looked at you, and you looke through me
Flames ignited and the storm began
the sky turned purple and I was in the desert
Every piece of paper, letter, poem and song whirled around me
I saw your name everywhere
And you were no where
I reached out to touch your hand
But awoke to my living hell again

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411


                     < dog woke me up >
                   but all i could think of
                   was the gasoline
                   and that picture
                   that kid
                   and the napalm
                   and i said i would but
                   first my car needs gas
                   and i went out to the car
                   and got in
                   and started it
                   and drove to the gas station
                   and there they were
                   pouring it over her
                   and there i was
                   i had the matches in my hand
                   was reaching down when
                   the dog woke me up
                         - - -

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Max amount...? I have two I can post (:

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

The Sweetest Kiss I Have Yet To Have

In a dream,
Yes, another of you
I did something
I'd never do

It was the heat of the moment
A delightful suprise
The subtle way
Your blue eyes held mine

A picture perfect day
The sunshine on your hair
What I thought I'd give
Just to be there

Your arms wrapped around me
And you kissed the top of my head
Into the water,
Our clothes we shed

We swam around a bit
Then you came closer to me
I didn't dare to move
Too afraid to breathe

The moment I realized
I wish this is what I had
You planted the sweetest kiss
I have yet to have

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2016

Two seems great for a max

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808


Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

The Other

What is this?
I have a gun..
All of these people,
Why do they run?

Everything goes fuzzy..
My hand starts to blur
Gunshots and screams
Are all that I heard

My vision comes back
And the shots have rung
I look down at my hands
And I'm covered in blood

Theres a little girl
She hides from the light
And I find myself running
Towards her with a knife

Her tears fell
And she screams, "Sissy why?!"
I can see all the fear
She holds within her eyes..

For this, unfortunately
My vision stays clear
I can see the whites of her eyes
As the blade draws near

My hand drives it..
Why, I don't know
In goes the knife
And her blood starts to flow..

In the end.. Heres the kicker
She whispers, "I love you still."
Then it hits me like a brick,
My family I've killed

Their bodies scatteres
Throughout the floor
Mom in the kitchen..
Dad by the door

Then theres this pain,
In the center of my heart
And my eyes flutter open
For the day to start

This one nightmare,
I don't understand..
Why my family died
At the aim of my hand

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318


I dreamt again of being free
Out of this confining walls
I dreamt of flying like a bird
Towards the sky I soared
I dreamt that I swam
Up and down the highway
Where clouds were fluffy
and ever so white
Upon the blueness
Of the sky,
Like coloured satin
There were words up so high
It said ‘Go back Now
It’s not time yet…’
I go crashing down to earth
To this miserable confines
And look at chemo tubes
Entering  my husk.

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

I saw her again last night
There she was
She was wearing the red raincoat I last saw her in
Her hair blew wildly in a twister of yellow
Tears were ruining her face
Eyeliner smudged on her cheekbones
She reached out with a horrific, clawed hand and summoned my heart
I barely felt it as it left my body
I remember collapsing
I begged her to forgive
I wanted to live
I could feel pain as she gripped it tighter
Just before it was about to burst
I woke up and realised I was cursed
Anne would not let me live in peace again

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 6th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 193

This is an old poem of mine, my apologies if this isn't allowed, but this was based on a dream I had a while ago, so I thought I'd join it in lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do I?

Oh no, do I really enjoy this?

As I plunge this knife into you,
As I feel the easy rip of your skin,
As I hear your blood gush through my creation,
And I hear each pulse the deeper I go in.

And I hear your screams so precise also,
As I see the colours become so intense and free;
The maroon of your body’s life;
The paleness of your face before me.

Seeing too the strain of your eyes,
And the veins in your forehead swell,
As I feel your blood rush over my hands,
And your hand grabs me as you plead so well.

Oh yes, I do really enjoy this.

poet Anonymous

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