Poetry competition CLOSED 25th June 2012 2:10am
View Profile Poems by KahakuHiga-Parker
RUNNERS-UP: laceyspacey and darkestwhisper


The Monster Within

Lonely Otaku
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 4th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 702

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about YOU killing multiple people.
It has to be gruesome.
It has to be brutal, and full of hate.
I don't want ANYTHING but the kill-
That's it.
Here's an example of what I want: http://deepundergroundpoetry.com/poems/33357-an-ode-to-a-good-friend-of-mine/

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 15th May 2012
Forum Posts: 160

Into the darkened alley I follow my prey
Seeing then feel powerful
Oh it boils my blood
Watching them toy with that women
With knife and chain
As they rip her bag away
Tell her to shut up
Call her a bitch and a slut
They know their going to rape her
She knows it to
Good thing i'm going to interfere
They rip away her clothes
And I laugh gleefully...
Bat in hand
Knives hidden away
Meant to taste blood of villains waiting cooing sweetly
Knowing it will feast
As they turn to look the women falls over
Who the fuck? One begins to say
Before my bat meets his leg
It snaps
As bones pagers through flesh
Blood begins soaking through his pants
Its begun
As I swing away
My bat meets the other two
Breaking bones
They fall to the floor
I drop the bat look at the women...
Naked helpless..
I saunter over and feel her up
As I feel her wetness
I digress
I whisper
You can repay me later
Its playtime...
Fear in her eyes she flees
As I pull out my knives
Made in various  shape and size
I pull the smallest
And walk over to the rapist
Removing their clothes
And gag them with trash
As I make small incisions
Nothing to deep
Just enough to bleed
I pull salt out sprinkle it on them
To see tears arise
As I take my knife
And ravage their sinful flesh
Blood begins to pool
All around the smell mixing with rotten garbage stink
I break each finger
Echoes down the alley
Retrieve the bat
And beat one until he's nothing more the puddle of Goo brain leaking out mainly colored black and blue
Taking the sword I slice him up into small pieces
And when i'm done I stab the next with every knife
And the last one
I have mercy and slash his throat
Let my sword drink freely

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318


Swirls of darkness
a glitter of steel
a plunge and a thrust
rendered me still
looking up staring
at a pair of eyes
devoid of caring
Beautiful cherubic face
Envy of beauty queens and angels
Beauty without a soul
nothing on the surface
just a handsome cowl
Just an emptiness
He undresses fast
and kneels
Numb with pain I wonder
as he made the sign
of the Almighty,
He touches my face
'In your name, Father,
and of your Son
and of the Holy Spirit'  
Undressed, I shiver with the cold
and perverse pleasure
as he suckles my breasts
whispering, 'I drink of thee
the milk and libidinal
dew of the gods'
He kisses my vagina
and starts to lick and lap
Furiously sucking me  
he says 'I partake of thee,  
seeds meant for birth
sweet ambrosia'
Plunged his erection
Into my depths
and with shaky breaths
whispers, 'I sheath
my sword on thee,
thou art my scabbard'
He roars when he come
Glaring into the black sky
His semen stickily warm
between my shivering thighs
"It is done, my liege
I absolve this whore'
He kisses my lips
Tenderly breaths
and whispers
'I take thine soul
In to mine, my wife, my dear  
together we shall soar'
He kneels for the longest time
Waiting for all my life-blood to run
Out of the stab on my back
that he had lovingly inflicted
He holds my hands
As I struggled against the darkness
Sirens, rotating colours
waking up in the hospital bed
I wondered
if he soared away in the end

Hakim abdi
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 18th June 2012
Forum Posts: 22

theres is a beast in me that needs no sleeping his close friends with the grim faced keeper his known to be a day time sleeper pure soul eater the beat in me a is a nightmare dealer his got nightmare dreams for 2.99 but before u know it u already done lost ur mind with nowhere to hide and u lost ur pride the grim faced keeper u'll never really see talking but it fucked up the way he Keeps walking his got a spade in each hand and 45,ooo coffins in ghostfaced backpack the beast in me never really has trust in no-one due to all the brooking promises made to me thats how he was born and grim faced keeper fuck who knww how he was born but i see him everyday before the break of dawn and they always talking asking and buggin me who's on ur number one death list today by ABDI DA KID

Hakim abdi
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 18th June 2012
Forum Posts: 22

ABDIDAKID said:theres is a beast in me that needs no sleeping his close friends with the grim faced keeper his known to be a day time sleeper pure soul eater the beat in me a is a nightmare dealer his got nightmare dreams for 2.99 but before u know it u already done lost ur mind with nowhere to hide and u lost ur pride the grim faced keeper u'll never really see talking but it fucked up the way he Keeps walking his got a spade in each hand and 45,ooo coffins in ghostfaced backpack the beast in me never really has trust in no-one due to all the brooking promises made to me thats how he was born and grim faced keeper fuck who knww how he was born but i see him everyday before the break of dawn and they always talking asking and buggin me who's on ur number one death list today by ABDI DA KIDLIFE IS UR TEACHER AND THE CHOSES U MAKE IS UR EXAME

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 11th June 2012
Forum Posts: 20

Feeling the blood lust,
it must happen again.
That slow erotic sensation,
feeling the blade cut through her arm.
Salt water to finish.

The ear-gasmic scream she unleashes,
when her nerve is cut.
Feeling the warmth of her blood on my skin,
makes my whole body shake.

Softly whispering in her ear,
"It wont be over soon"
becoming a soul eater I have,
Breaking her bones, feeling them crunch.

Her face, wet with tears,
heart beating uncontrollably,
breath heavy and deep.

Her gaze slowly gets further away,
she is traveling out of my reach.
Her soul has traveled away,
leaving me to wonder,
how long will this lust stay?

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083


I saw throught the game we were all playing
A mask hidden by our darkest fantasies
How I wanted to carve frowns on their sick faces
To squeeze them dry like a washcloth
I could already see the blood on my hands
I could hear the screams as I would cut all their tongues out
If mommy couldn't cry for help, I would seek vengeance at that moment
I took the whore that she was, and fed her to the dogs
Fool my once
Shame on you
Fool me twice....
Now you're through
I told you I wouldn't take this
So sick of the preaching and bitching
Daddy was too
He was a good assistant
I killed him too
Ripped his dick off and shoved it down his mistress's throat
When she choked
I shot him in the head
And he croaked

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 15th May 2012
Forum Posts: 160

Twisted sweetness

Tied to the chair
My prey immobilized
Reeks of fear
Goes the fabric
That was enshrouding her
And she stares in terror
At the assortment of toys
We will play with
I close in
Whispering in her ear
Whore let's see what makes you tick...
I stroke her hair
Why you love Dick so much
as I trace her naked skin with the cold edge of a knife
I pick up a lollipop
Shove it in her private place
Let's see how much you can bear
I flip the edge
And slowly press the blade into her skin
I carve it
Her blood runs so red
From the letters
As I remove the lollipop and taste it
It is not
And so I punish her
Into the dirty whores skin
Drinking in her screams
I pull out
The thing she loved so much
See this?
I know you want it
To bad you can't
And put it back in my pants
Putting down the knife I pick up the bottle if peroxide
Pouring it on the letters
Allowing tears to run from her red eyes
I pick up the clamps and place then upon her nipples
I love the look of pain
That appears on her tear stained face
Mascara running
Over those beautiful red lips
I pick up the scissors
She screams
As I place the red lips in a jar
And put it with the rest
From previous
I take the water and pour it upon her breasts
As I pick the knife back up and carve
Upon her breasts
She closes her eyes
So beautiful...
I put the knife down
Pick up the needle
To sew
Shut her
Passage to hell
Boastful lips removed
Whorish lips sewn shut
I feel bad for this creature
Put her out of her misery
slice the wrists
The neck
Stuck a knife within her bosom
Watching the blood blossom and spurt
I enjoy the sight
the beautiful red mist
When her skin turns porcelain
I approach and remove
Those beautiful eyes
Before I set the body upon fire
As her soul now Burns in eternal damnation
Her body will to

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 710

Monster Within: Brandy

The barbwire
Wound tight up every inch.
Sitting in the chair was the host
Crying for her life
As the man in white
Slowly continues to work his way up
All the way to her pretty face,
Watching the blood squeeze out her skin
Like she was a perfect strawberry
Squishing in his hands.
Her eyes like little grapes
Grinding in his teeth.
Her tongue, and his tongue tied.
Her soft, young skin,
Wrapped up in strands of metal,
Topped with a ribbon
A present for him.

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