Poetry competition CLOSED 29th May 2012 4:19pm
BleedingInferno219 (Kristyn Ashley.)
View Profile Poems by BleedingInferno219

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All the Little Things

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

For Neely…

I loved you so, perhaps more than I should have!
You dried my tears, when my heart was broken.
But we drifted apart, and there was no soft salve,
To ease my soul: to grant it some peaceful token.
I remember your smile, on one golden afternoon,
When I had given you a portrait I painted of you.
Do you still look at it and remember the laughter?
I’ll hope that you do, both now and forever after.

I painted hearts around the borders of the image,
And roses to say what words alone cannot utter.
So subtle, the meaning that can never diminish…
Amidst colors to make a maiden’s eyes to flutter!

I never got the chance to tell you how deep I felt,
The longing for you that was as madness to me…
But it was sweet lunacy, before which I had knelt.
Your eyes: were the images of my secret idolatry!
I wanted to run my fingers through your dark hair,
To whisper into your ears, the things lovers share.
But I will always have one thing above all the rest,
The memory of that day you called me “the best”.

I liken you to Juliet, for I was like your Romeo…
How deep is my sorrow, that tradition parted us!
There was so much, I longed for you to know…
But, this simple poem will suffice, and so it must.

I am not the best, for all mortals are truly flawed…
And towards the light, I have all my life stumbled.
For happiness it seems that I desperately clawed,
Towards the storm, not heeding when it rumbled!
I still walk by the place where we spent the hours,
But it has changed, at the hands of time’s powers.
If you still have the bracelet I gave you wear it oft,
And know that you are not forgotten, maiden soft.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 21st Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 6

That girl you called a whore yesterday,
she's been getting raped by her father
for the last 3 years.
That boy you watch and laugh at
as he gets picked on and beat
by bullies,
he gets beaten at home as well
That man everyone points and laughs at,
his deformity comes from a disease he caught
while fighting for our country in Iran
That girl that is made fun of for her clothes,
she's a prostitute and works all night
to just barely support her baby brother and herself.
That 9 year old girl that everyone calls fat,
she's entering the early stages of an eating disorder,
and she will later die, to her family's dismay
That boy that talks funny,
he was in a fire, that killed his parents, and
and burned his lungs
as well as his vocal chords.
That boy in the hallway that everbody points and snickers
at is transgender, because his parents verbally abused him
when he was a girl.
Those gravestones that you're walking over now,
are the remains of the children that no one
gave a damn about...until it was too late.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 355

Wow! Thank you for your poems every one!

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