Poetry competition CLOSED 27th May 2012 2:48am
firedaughter (StayAwayFromTheNutcase)
View Profile Poems by firedaughter


A new light

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Joined 13th May 2012
Forum Posts: 55

I am one of the newbies..
Don't know where(or how) I fit in in all this
But I feel good about this,
That has to be good right?

Its the sun I now await,
I've decided it's insomnia;
The fiery dis-ease..
Seizing my comfort
And trapping my sleep..

So I step outside
With a small carpet in hand
To lay and look up to the stars above
(My companions for tonight)
Shining million miles away
Their twinkling light piercing through the darkness..

Till morning comes
And they too(like all else) fade away..
Giving way to a new and brighter wave of light..
The undeniably beautiful light
Of the morning sun
As it rises at dawn
To break the night..
Bringing a new kind of light altogether..

I shall persist, I shall hang on
At least to last long enough
To witness all 'this'..
To see where 'this' is headed to..

(Thank God for insomnia)

Lost Thinker
Joined 13th May 2012
Forum Posts: 55

(Not an entry..)

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Joined 13th May 2012
Forum Posts: 55

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

yes it is--its great and its the first-we cant say its not!!

unless you did not write it, and you must have so --thank you! its great![/quote]
No, no, you misunderstand me- It occurred to me that I had to change a word in my poem, in doing so, I mistakenly re-entered the same poem(but it was quoted this time around) making it 2..
I deleted it and wrote what I did..
Do you see what happened now? Sorry for this.. (Have it removed if you can)

poet Anonymous

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Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411

Naseer said: Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

yes it is--its great and its the first-we cant say its not!!

unless you did not write it, and you must have so --thank you! its great!

No, no, you misunderstand me- It occurred to me that I had to change a word in my poem, in doing so, I mistakenly re-entered the same poem(but it was quoted this time around) making it 2..
I deleted it and wrote what I did..
Do you see what happened now? Sorry for this.. (Have it removed if you can)[/quote]

Other sites have a "DELETE BUTTON", but DU doesn't.
DU used to have one but the Webmiz decided she couldn't trust
us to use it responsibly so she took it off without even
asking any of us members for our opinions. This still pisses
me off so every time it comes up I gripe about it. That said,
I dearly love 93% of DU and even the WebMiz as she reminds me
of this stubborn sister of mine who thinks she's right 87% of
the time when it's only 67%.

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

I've been here quite a while..
Not as long as you..
But I do see this change,
And I believe it to be true..

It almost dares me
To write something else
To let out the emotions
I have bottled on a shelf

This change
Makes me want to try..
Don't ask me though,
I really don't know why..

But this, DU..
Is my safe haven..
And I love this place..
Makes me worth saving

Thought Provoker
Finland 3awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 240

new member? what is consider a new member?

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

From SupHomeboi To DUP

I want to confess something to my new DUP family
At first I thought no one was feeling my poetry
I've entered competitions and I wanted to win
When I didn't win I've almost died within
I was about to give up and call it quits
Sitting in bed just having my bitch fits
Then I realized the vets had to lose a few times
Before they ever got their moment to shine
They stuck with it then finally they did it
That's what inspired me to keep being committed
But during my process I've learned there's more
To writing on this site than just winning awards
I don't need a trophy to validate my skill
Just write what I feel from the heart for real
Trust my ability and try to do my best
Show love to everyone and let God do the rest
Thanks for accepting me for all my true colors
Thanks for inspiring me to inspire others
Thanks DUP crew from the old to the new
I'll do what it takes to give back to you

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 10th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 271

Deleted can't spell

poet Anonymous

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