Poetry competition CLOSED 25th May 2012 9:04pm
View Profile Poems by chezz
RUNNER-UP: BleedingInferno219

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The ones you love the most..

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about a time you hurt the ones you love the most..
You've got a week..

For some this may come easily...

As many entries, new or old..

BUT! I don't wanna read forever, so try to keep it interesting..

Free verse is okay..

And have fun!

(MUST be titled!)

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

The things I tell Her

I gripped her by the throat
With the words I have said
Better off me,
Than having her dead

I told her I was gonna do it
Put a gun to my head..
I was going to pull the trigger
And she'd mop up the red

I told her she'd never
See my face again..
I promised her this
If it was the last thing I did

Of course I didn't do it
But it felt nice to make her squirm..
My mom you see, is a whore
And she deserves to burn..

I tell her these things
To fuck with her mind..
Why shouldn't I..?
After all, she did mine..

After all the mess..
She maybe loves me still..
Though I'd give anything
To make her see my will..

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 186

Ended This Way

Forgive that I must
I'll take it all just so you won't bust

Your blood shalt not be shed
From when it does you won't be the only one seeing red

A girl of only eight
Or a teenager no one guessed to be straight

Either way that sick twisted thing
The blade with death it may bring

Your head you musn't lay
For you'll end also their lives without delay

As you twine from finger to finger
Their minds begin to linger

Then you decide to jump to the chase
And with this move their hearts begin to race

You take to cold metal to your wrist
And their visions are covered by a hazy mist

Then you slice a little deeper
And they realize the road to death is getting steeper

As the slide down this slope
You lose all hope

And every thought runs from your head
Then you realize your dead

They girl of only eight
And the teenager who never thought she was great

Slipped into the grasp too
Now what are you to do

You know this is your biggest mistake

It shouldn't have ended this way....

Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2772

Sweet Torment

You have given me sweet torment
Which I return to every night
The enchanting smell of your perfume
Lingers as I turn out the light
The gentle hum of your voice
Echoes through my ears
The comfort of your embrace
Drives away my deepest fears
Your eyes brighten the darkness
To which I am always prone
And your heartbeat reminds me
That I am not alone
If I had known it was to end
I would have changed my wicked ways
So here I sit and curse my deeds
From now to the end of days

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Great entries so far! XD and yes dear alice, yours fits perfectly!

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 186

firedaughter said:Great entries so far! XD and yes dear alice, yours fits perfectly!


Lost Thinker
South Africa 2awards
Joined 7th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 33

The cost of cool

The party went as party's go
Manic laughter and liquor in  continuous flow
The room in the back,the table  with bloW
If u wanted to be cool this is where u go

Well I wanted in
Two snorts and I was also a king
Gone too soon was the feeling
A few more snorts and gone was my savings

Moms silver ,dads watch
All went into my next batch

Always High as a kite
"Friends" to the left and right
Top dog , a gram or two
Who cares parents are just spoiling to fight
Deaf ears to moms pleas
I'm cool this is what cool kids do

I looked up today
To the hazy bars
From where I lay
Where's all the friends

A padded room dark and gray
Beside my bed mom and dad pray
For lost sheep that's led astray
And silently along I pray
Please dear lord take this hunger away  

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 21st Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 984

I Lied;

I looked her in the eye,
Gave a smile so wide,
Kept a straight face,
And told a flat out lie.

I didn't want to face it,
Didn't want her to know,
Of all the bad things I did,
And all the pain I didn't show.

She found the cuts and razor one night,
And she broke down in helpless cries.
It was really such a sad sight,
To watch my mother's heart die.

She didn't know the truth of it,
She just saw the bright red blood.
She'd never understand all the shit,
That the people have done.

He took away my pearl and she,
She broke away my self-esteem.
Nobody should ever see,
The pain that's eating at me.

So she's asking me to explain,
But I've run out of words to say.
This heart was long drowned by rain,
And these eyes shadowed like a cloudy day.

The truth is unreachable, you won't ever see,
I'll just keep lying so you can smile,
And not see what they made me to be,
Broken apart and scrapped, left in a pile.

So I trudge down this highway,
And I fight the sadness so I don't cry.
I'll live on cutting for another day,
And I'll offer you another lie.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 28

Only You

The only one who knew me   
Inside and out
And still thought I was worth it
Without a doubt

Only you made me smile
Even through tears
Accepted my everything
My hopes, my fears

Only your arms could hold me
Never let go
But how much I love you, well
You’ll never know

Because I am broken and
You got too close
You cared just enough that
I made you go

To make you leave had to
Feed you a lie
Said I didn’t love you. But I
Will ‘til I die

Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 718

She Will Never Know.

I never meant to slip up,
all my crying helped nothing.
I punish myself everyday,
sometimes at night, to her I sing.

I like to pretend she can hear it,
and that it would help her sleep.
If she could, I would hold her....
But in reality, I'm only weak.

I would have killed to be her hero,
the one she ran to for help.
Instead I lost her, heartbeat faded,
and I sink deeper into Hell.

I wish she'd know I love her,
or that I think of her everyday.
Picturing her any way I can,
holding my smile in place.

I know I carried her wrong,
because clearly she's not here.
If sorry meant a thing,
I would say it, if she would hear.

Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 718


I don't deserve to smile.
Not to be cliche,
but if you knew I were a murderer,
would you want that, anyway?

I don't deserve to laugh.
Honestly, I'm not good enough.
Anyone could tell you,
or that I'm, "just a slut."

I don't deserve the happiness,
and I know this to be truth.
If I were supposed to glow,
I'd have some kind of proof.

Lost Thinker
South Africa 2awards
Joined 7th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 33

Broken vows

I stare at my hand...
as I replace my wedding ring
Contemplating its true meaning
This little gold band

She may never know!
Of what I did just now
Again I've broken our vow

my heart almost returning to normal beat
Sweat still laying heavy as sleet
Dressing as I gain my feet
Her name forgotten as I turn to greet
This sweaty naked woman entwined in sheet  
The smell of fresh sex,pungent in the heat
As I exited to the street

She caught me once before
And I witnessed her heart break,
Her very soul to the very core
Never again I swore
Anything just to ease her ache
it was just this once love no more

Her eyes were swollen for days
she  forgave me
But only if I changed my ways
The lie came naturally

Yet in her eyes the hurt lay for eternity
Reminding me I am guilty


Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Amazing reads..really, quite fantastic!

redcrystal- you gave me some chills there.. o.o (thats awesome in my terminology)
chezz- need I even say..? (:
cinny- how many times I felt that way.. great write
Kristyn- both..amazing <3

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

I Don't Deserve To Deserve You

Sometimes I feel like I don't even deserve you
You always value me even though I'm not worth you
You always make me happy even though I always hurt you
You always been straight with me while I'm always running circles
Around your heart and making your head spin
But through it all you still somehow manage to wear a grin
You weathered the storm through my emotional whirlwind
You put up with my shit I just can't comprehend
Why won't you leave me for somebody else?
I sometimes wonder if you love yourself
You're settling I'm slacking we both need help
I put your love next to your self esteem on the shelf

Sometimes I wonder if you know I don't deserve you
My acts of creulty doesn't seem to phase or disturb you
Maintaining your composure because patience is a virtue
Blue skies in your world while mine's are shades of purple
Dark and misty but still you stay with me
I give you a rough time you still embrace me gently
Since we've been together you never once dissed me
I can say some foul shit and you still would want to kiss me
Finally if you decide to tell me goodbye
And just leave my side I think I would die
There's no way to hide my urges to cry
You tried to provide and I didn't even try

Why won't you leave me for somebody else?
I sometimes wonder if you love yourself
You're settling I'm slacking we both need help
I put your love next to your self esteem on the shelf
Sometimes I feel like I don't even deserve you
Sometimes I wonder if you know I don't deserve you

poet Anonymous

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