Poetry competition CLOSED 19th May 2012 11:35pm
firedaughter (StayAwayFromTheNutcase)
View Profile Poems by firedaughter
RUNNERS-UP: MagicianType0 and Rosewingaangel

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a name in form of a legend

poet Anonymous

oh i get it, sry your right im sorry. it is a legend i take back all that i said. execpt mine being the only one not being in first person, cause it is, and thats a fact

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 51

Sorry I got pissy. I just... i dont know. but the rules were to make your name into the form of a legend. So thank you for the apology, but I owe you one as well. Im sorry.

poet Anonymous

its all cool!

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 18th May 2012
Forum Posts: 8

No one ever knew or recorded the exact day of her death, Deborah Gallese, A.K.A. “D Bees Woman” believed to have lived during the years 980-1012, as legend has it she was a mysterious Amazon rain forest woman, a warrior for peace, she mainly protected the animals and trees. She was believed to have held a magical sword made out of live killer bees.
The buzz from the bees was so loud on Deborah’s command that it would echo off the trees, making them shake violently, warning all animals when poachers were near, More so warning the poachers, D.Bees Woman was there.
If those poachers did not leave the area and return by the next moon with a barrel of food and plant one hundred new tree seedlings, it was said that Deborah could command a bee to find them and enter their ear when they went to sleep and the next time a poacher returned to the land, that person would hear the piercing sounds of the angry bees till death.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

Davis Was her last name..
Earth is what she moved..
Venomous were how her words came across..
Irreplaceable to this day..
Lives is what she changed.
Incredible devotion.
Surrendering wasn't in her vocabulary.
Hero to her people..

Angela Davis.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

I may not have got the concept. I interpreted this to be using the letters of our names to describe a legend. So angela Davis is my hero and a legend.. If I didn't get this right I apologize..

Lost Thinker
Joined 11th May 2012
Forum Posts: 75

She was as beautiful as the dawn shining off freshly tilled soil
Fertile, rich, cool, and totally unspoiled

Men would stare from every corner of the room
Heads had to turn to follow her making them all swoon

Tall, strong, with a headful of thick dark hair
How she hated walking into a room and feeling them all stare

It was said that no other came before her matching her intensity
And that as she walked she floated almost defying gravity

The angular jar and high cheekbones she bore
Made her face perfect upon first glance a perfect eyesore

From her Nana before her who was petite, pretty, and proper
To her mother whose curves were legend, a real show stopper

It was biological for sure, with a little Italian thrown in
This French/Canadian beauty, she was mixed from birth surely to be a win win

As she aged it didn’t matter, the men they still did scatter
When she walked in a room, they moved, focused, and stopped all of their chatter

Just a feeling, a look, a head turn
This girl had it all, but she never would learn

Until she got old, looked in the mirror, and the story it told
To her grandson and his children, she remained revered and bold

My Nunna was the most beautiful woman in the world
From her long fingers right down to her waist-length hair that curled

I’m serious, the little boy said, I kid you not
Take a look at this picture, it is of my Nunna, and no one has ever forgot

Because once you see her, you cannot disagree
Not ever was there a beauty like her, she was oh so carefree

No matter your age, surely you will agree that after you see
The picture of my Nunna, she remains as precious to all especially me

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