Poetry competition CLOSED 19th May 2012 11:35pm
firedaughter (StayAwayFromTheNutcase)
View Profile Poems by firedaughter
RUNNERS-UP: MagicianType0 and Rosewingaangel

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a name in form of a legend

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

can you spell out your name in the form of a legend?
i wanted to try it and i want to see how you guys can come up with
mine is

Fish are eaten by a demon named
Ignus, who always terorized the
Sad citisens,
He grew old from years of fighting

Candy making is what he took up
And delious candy he did make
Kicking and screaming the citisens chased him out anyway
Everthing then ended once died

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Forever sentenced to this life of hell
In rapture, none know me well..
Righteous?.. hardly..
Effervescent?.. maybe.
Daughter born in flames
All engulf her pain
Unready to take lives
Gunning for the rain
Hurting madly
To be released when the seasons change
Everything she does..
Ready to escape...

This is a very puny, on-the-spot, evaluation of Peresphone..
Don't completly hate me for it..

poet Anonymous

firedaughter said:
This is a very puny, on-the-spot, evaluation of Peresphone..
Don't completly hate me for it..

i wont thanx for particeapating

poet Anonymous

looks like your winning

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 51

Rose petals fall from the sky
Oh what a pretty sight
Since this is what happened to me
Ever since I went against
Will I ever see my wings again?
I will never know
Never in my life have I been so alone
Gradually, I get up onto my feet
Angels are not ment to walk for long
Angels are ment to fly and sing their songs
Nothing is the same
Grass below my feet
Elusions of how I can get back
Loving every second I protect

poet Anonymous

cute! but isnt that a personal view more of a legend
an angel legend would be like,
an angel
opens her heart to the people below,
sings them a beautiful song,
everyone loves the angel, she let them touch her
wings, she
inspires the people woth her words,
new villagers come,
god sent an
angel, the
new villagers did not accept her,
god was said, he called to his angel,
ellie my angel come back, come
live in heaven again

I mad one for you! oops well you can have it

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 8th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 369

Magician Type 0 First, Violent By Design Second.

Maybe this is all I have left this is my heart and soul
Analyze every dark line that I wrote
Glad you came out though, don't have much to write for
In days time, I will stop my personality war
Could surrender but that would invert my reality more
I should really see a shrink but they never do anything if
Anything watch the aftermath of them breaking apart siblings
Never will I trust another human being

Threw my eyes this is how life was
You will never grow up, youre to reckless and childish
People will never talk to you because they dont like sickness and violence
Every day I took advice from the hate I received,

0 times a day did I believe what life could do to me, so the pen is what I do to freeze

Vacuum up all the b.s and debris
Insane ways I think I could probably be way more then I am
Or then again I am just sand nothing more and im not advanced
Levels I passed through, I will never have the time to sleep
Either smoking a cigarette or try to figure out if im depressed or stressed
Never figured it out life's to bitchy now, so I haven't decided yet
To heartless I feel like I'm a zombie infectee, ready to hurt anything

Brains is to easy to waste, and it lacks in taste
You will be impaled by a spike pushed through you by your own weight

Downfall my flesh rotts away
Even if I still survive what the fuck is there to live for if they say there is an after life
So I sit, waiting for something to hit and make sense so I can break free
I am surrounded my lucidity and a wall full of image dreams
Grab my things and try to run away from this life thats caving in
Now you read my story what am I really placed in? A Pool of confusion? a Cube of disillusions or am I just over thinking?

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 51

Fallen angel, not just an angel. Try again! XD :)sorry for the confusion!

poet Anonymous

firedaughter said:
Forever sentenced to this life of hell
In rapture, none know me well..
Righteous?.. hardly..
Effervescent?.. maybe.
Daughter born in flames
All engulf her pain
Unready to take lives
Gunning for the rain
Hurting madly
To be released when the seasons change
Everything she does..
Ready to escape...

i realized that this isnt really a legend either but its very goo i like!!

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 8th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 369

Ohh mine isnt either then haha

poet Anonymous

Rosewingaangel said:Fallen angel, not just an angel. Try again! XD :)sorry for the confusion!

oh im sorry in mine it was just an angel that had come down to live with people, your's said "i" which is personal, self ya know? and legends arent supposed to be third person.

poet Anonymous

MagicianType0 said:Ohh mine isnt either then haha

lol, man maybe i should explain this better or maybe give more examples

should i?

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 8th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 369

FishCake said:[quote-85653-MagicianType0]Ohh mine isnt either then haha

lol, man maybe i should explain this better or maybe give more examples

should i?


Doesnt matter just glad I wrote something.

poet Anonymous

yeah, but so far none of them are legends, so far no ones winning!! but there all good but their all first person, exept min of course (lol, being arrogant)

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 51

The reason I said "I" was because it is my name on here, and you didnt say it had to be a legend that didnt pertain to you. (me) also, the only rules were to make a legend out of the name you have. I did just that. it is about a fallen angel who has to protect others here on earth.

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