Poetry competition CLOSED 10th June 2012 11:19am
View Profile Poems by Devilish

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DIS-respect ME

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

That means he awesome. is that more clear honeynut?

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

Groovin to the soft sounds of steve..

Ohhhh steve..
all that braggin
while your saggin'
them bell bottom jeans..

Got all the right moves..
Just cant put em together..
Your confessions
of pleasure..
How you move and groove.
To the soft sounds of

And them pick up lines..
Only work on them
back alley dimes

drinkin on that
poor man wine...

Tellin em'
bitch please..
ya look better on your knees..
from first class to
trailer trash
best believe
I'm tappin that ass..

I'm cock of the walk..
High school football jock..

Still got my sweater..
written in letter
form of a GOD..
packin the longest ROD..
Ti'l your heart throbs..
beatin to the sound of
The ginger bread man..
Doin all I can
for the mexican
hittin this home grown..
while the bitches moan..
By the way
I'm a lil insane.
but never the less
Say my NaMe....

My first ever diss with love.. and i suck.. lol.  

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

Well braggs this means i win..lol..

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 30th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 216

your poems are too damn good
I probably will find it hard to compete
But some are a bit hollow
and kind of hard to follow
if read too quickly

I find your profile picture very boring
I wouldn't look twice at it
or think it unordinary
I guess your taste is-
that's just it!

where's the excitement
Steve Bragg?
what a stupid name
Brag is misspelled
are you looking for fame?
because it looks like the gay
version of Brad Pitt
just because you add another g
doesn't mean it's cool
I think you're just a wannabe

look at my profile picture
it has detail
it has style
your's just fills
my mouth with bile

and you're not much of a bragger
in the first place
so why aren't you even
living to the standards
of your name?

how do you live with yourself
day to day?
that "fire of insight"
thing you've got going on?
well it's pathetic
because your creativity just sucks

can you write a poem filled with gore?
with a character suffering with mental conflicts?
can you actually fill it with life
and thoroughly bring out the strife?
I highly doubt you could
I highly doubt you would
let's face it:
you're a bloody wimp!

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
let it be
Tyrant of Words
United States 25awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 8869

Diss Steve Bragg 
That's very easy 
He's just a crazy fag 
Have you ever seen his keep the peace bit 
Come on we all know you love that shit 
Using the nice guy ploy when he's really just an old bitter prick 
Probably sitting in front of his computer right now holding his dick 
Don't blush 
We all know it's true 
I say fuck that old wrinkled dude 

Oh man that was hard Steve is my favorite person here on the dup. :( 

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
let it be
Tyrant of Words
United States 25awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 8869

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

When do you not taunt me? Lol lets go share a lollipop now pwease

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
let it be
Tyrant of Words
United States 25awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 8869

Haha such a sweet talker

Nun The Wiser
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 27th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 231

Tweet stalker? Congrats Devilish!

The Illusionist ofSorrow
Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 10th June 2012
Forum Posts: 341

rofl, I am suprise you are already very well known on this site sis O.o

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Rules are rules my love.. Although I forgot that was one of them..lol. Bring it on. I need a few strokes or strikes to my ego..Lol

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