Poetry competition CLOSED 4th May 2012 00:04am
BleedingInferno219 (Kristyn Ashley.)
View Profile Poems by BleedingInferno219


Mistakes made..

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Poetry Contest

Write a poem based on a mistake you have made in your life..
It can be about anything..


Big deal/No problem


Well my lovely's .. Have fun.. and kill it! XD

Oh yeah.. and no rules..

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 415

No mistake, has been greater-
Than the day I became a boy.
Can't go back-
On those words,
Nor the way I look.

In this body,
Trapped in here,
Exists a boy and girl.
So I say, so I look,
As masculine as possible.

Yet if you know,
Surely it's not obvious-
I hide the parts of girl.

poet Anonymous

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Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 718

Today She Turns 14.

Today I wake up,
and I know its my fault.
My bestfriend, she's bleeding.
I'm the teacher, by default.

Once upon I time,
I illusioned it was "cool",
to show your scars and slit your wrists,
and now I'm proven to be the fool.

I found my little heartbreak,
in a puddle of O negative.
Scraped her off the tile slow,
and mopped up all her precious red.

I gave her the danger,
introduced her to the blade....
She's gotta be fixed by someone, by me,
the weapon, the mistake I made.

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592


I used to sit here
and ponder , wonder
does anyone hear
why does one bother ,
I'd look through the tears
of myself when one was younger,
I'd get nowhere near
and then I'd lose my bubble ,
old atmospheres
did get into some trouble ,
pressurisation , atmospheric
cards on oak of table
laid and played
without holds ,
mistakes I made
only known
as I grew old ,
the all I had
now gone
some of it sold ,
but it's not so bad
as my now . it does unfold

If  the cap doesn't fit ,  
that's that
then so be it ,
if it does
and it falls
I won't then stamp on it ,
if all time does so pause
I'll wind it to re-set
as I know in gone falls
I have to get past it .

Lost Thinker
Joined 6th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 4

"The Line"

It burned the rubber of my sneakers.
A shock of red mean delirium makes me jump back.
You meet my eyes with a bit of a sad puppy look.
Because I kicked you away from me within an instant.
Taking a deep breath,
Turn away from your face,
Because my mistake was letting you in.

Paige Rider
Thought Provoker
United States 17awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 165

We All Fall Down (A Pint-Sized Poem)

I made a mistake.
Her name isn't important.
Nor is his name.
Or those friends that were only friendly when it suited them.
And not when I actually needed friends.
But they...
Ah yes, they were my mistakes.
The friend that ditched me.
The boy who broke me.
The girl that sewed me up just to rip me apart.
And the friend that I lost without lifting a finger.
I wanted to blame myself.
Then I decided to blame them.
But now, yes now I know the truth.
There was no faults.
No blame.
No guilt.
Just me.
A foolish girl, who wanted to please everyone.
But instead I ended up feeding...
Yes, feeding.
Feeding those mistakes.

Elias Wild
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 27th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 2

The longing. I waited for years, years for that day. The date was set, on the calendar it lay. But she got in the way, in the way of our love. She came and she left, like the stars from above. We finally touched, our hearts as one. The whole day I longed, longed for one kiss. But she got in the way, and I was to pay. And then you were gone, back on a plane. I hung my head low, cowering in shame. But now I have you, the world is right. The longing, my darling, I no longer fight.

poet Anonymous

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Lonely Otaku
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 4th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 702

nt true rachel. at all. i find an intellectual challenge in my mate a turn on.

Twisted Dreamer
Romania 4awards
Joined 1st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 74

Deadly Sins

Finalizing the finality of the decision I make
That is not my best trait
He wasn't killed
But maybe I wish he was
If there was a way to take back the trust
I would
If there was a way to stop myself from being a child
Oh I think I would do that
Without a heartbeat
I laid there
My mind rushing as fast as it ever had
There were two choices

#1) Deal with the fact that he did what he did and move on like I should have,
Let my family be the same never tell anyone
It wouldn't have made a difference to them
Maybe not even me1

#2) Go on do not give up and say it was a lie,
There could have been a death in the case
It would have been my word against his
There are things we will never do.

My family had some importance to me so I did both of those
If there was a chance to only do one I would take by mistake two and go back to one like I have for the past few years

It was the deadliest decision I had ever made
Something that could have caused much pain to the people around me
He would have lost his job
I wish he did
But the needs of the Many are greater...

Than the needs of the one...

poet Anonymous

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