Poetry competition CLOSED 30th April 2012 8:30pm
Imagining (Glynis)
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Flash Me

Fire of Insight
New Zealand
Joined 19th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 908

They all put on a masquerade dance and flopped around like a bunch of sullen cows.
Their jewellery exuded a gloomy codesant glow in the sepia forecast of the room. This was a social affair; it was all too clear as they went in turn, scratching each others backs. Modesty found herself friendless and depressed, drowned by alcohol. Who knows who she’ll be going home with.
Hidden strangers hurriedly escape, fleeing into trees steeped hauntingly towards the sky. Where the air was cooler, thicker, the once parted, stripped off their disguise.

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 10th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 271

Oh WOW! I can't believe this! I won?
Thank you so much DevlinDLC
I never thought...wow! You give me my first...LOL!!!
Miss Indie (Indie) and Jack Heslop (Heslopian) With you two in the running. I never thought I had a chance and all the rest of you too.  Thank you again DevlinDLC

Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2772

Great work!  Congrats!

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