Poetry competition CLOSED 27th April 2012 1:37pm
diddi (Paul Summerscales)
View Profile Poems by diddi
RUNNER-UP: BleedingSpectre333

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Dear John

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

Poetry Contest

Write a letter
Write a letter to someone.
It's like writing one and not sending it.
Express any and ALL FEELINGS.

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Germany 3awards
Joined 27th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 135

I'm sorry, Dad.
I know, I wasn't the son you always wished for. I was not as strong as you, I didn' really like the things you liked. But you were always there for me.
We didn't spend as much time as we should have. I always thought, "Tomorrow will be fine too. He'll be there". I was wrong. I should have known, you wouldn't be there forever. The time would come, when I was left alone. But that day seemed so far away, so far in the future. It would never happen. It happened. Too soon.

We never played those games one should play with his father. You were working the whole day. When I woke up, you would've gone to work. When I came home from school, you still wouldn't be at home.
But when I went to bed, you would come to me and say goodnight. You would ask me how my day was, what I did do, how I felt. I could tell you everything, no matter what. But I didn't do it. I simply couldn't bother you with my childish worries. You had so much to carry on your shoulders.
You carried too much. Till that one day, when all these weights that tied you down vanished and you could leave this place.

I miss the times we spent together. You didn't have that big of a place in my life but I've always wanted to let you know, that you have a place in my heart, a place for all the memories we made and a place for the memories we could have made. A place for that one person who would always accept me the way I am.
Thank you Dad.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 6th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 2

Dear John doe,
               There are times in life; when I felt that I wouldn’t ever find a simple happiness to move on. As I progressed through life I didn’t find this happiness until you entered my heart and made a place in my mind just for you and gradually embedded yourself in my heart. Then you made life worth going forward. I find my body yearns for your touch and your voice brings me to a nervous breakdown. Why I ask myself sometimes? Because this feeling penetrates my soul and fits into daily thoughts; it overwhelms my body to feel so lifted with happiness. I feel so much joy with our companionship because it has made me fall head over heels in love with you and I can’t help myself. The thoughts I’ve had lately; drifts me further away from negativity and hurt and tears of pain and abandonment because you give me the attention that I need to strive. I love that you spend extra time finding out what makes me happy and you want to know what makes me climax. My endurance for what you bring into our relationship tingle’s my soul and taunt’s me every moment while I’m awake and while I’m dreaming. Pinching me now is pointless because I know it’s real; the love we share can’t compare to any person, place, or thing. I get, so emotional when I think about how you make me feel on a regular basis because you’re not pretending and you’re so content with me. I love how you love me with all your heart because it is visible. I ask god for a lot of things and certain situations to change, but without me asking for Mekos you came into my life and the impact you have enforced on my life has me in desperation to keep you near and to never let go of you for as long as I live on this earth. I’m too anxious to see when we are apart because; I don’t want to leave your side when we are together face to face. The excitement you bring to our existence is hard to handle because it should be written that love can last forever. The never ending feelings you devote to our love will not perish because it is everlasting. Damn Mekos this life were living in is so hard and you made it just that easy for me to accept the things I can’t change, but be grateful for waking up to share another blessed day in your arms and being weakened by your kisses, you bring chills to my spine. The blissful combustion we produce as our bodies combine has took on a role of nerve wrecking pleasure. The way you whisper it seems while you’re torturing me pulls every ounce of self control for the depths of my core.

Mahogany Green

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 6th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 193

Dear Father,

I don’t want to call you Dad anymore; but, even the thought of your name irritates me.

You were never the father figure we needed, but once-upon-a-time, I was very much a Daddy’s girl.

You were fine for us when we were little; we had a decent childhood, but is that only because you were out of the country for work half of every month? You had a family with your first marriage, were we just to satisfy Mum? But we were always scared of your dominance and strictness; we always had to please you.

But when you retired; that’s when things got worse, things that were only your fault, no-one else’s, yours.

You were always a heavy drinker, but that didn’t matter when you were working. Then with no job you had a reason to drink constantly. That shop you stupidly opened, you didn’t stop then. You drove home that night, so drunk. I’m so ashamed. You’re lucky that poor man didn’t die, and you got out of your car unscathed and walked away. All you got was a fine and your licence took off you. Are you not ashamed as well?

No-one thought less of you.

I did.

The divorce you made difficult, you had such a plan. You are so manipulative, it scares me that I have part of your mind. Mum gave up everything just to get it over with; you made her look like a bad Mother, a lazy wife, an undeserving person, and a fool. She sat in a court room, not knowledgeable in that sort of thing, confused, while you could afford the best solicitors. You played the game beautifully, and admitted it to her face when the courtroom doors were shut.

We had to be put on the homeless list, living with Mums boyfriend, you knew her family rejected her, you used that, got her Mother on your side. And all those people you told lies about me to, you sat in the pub and bitched about me. Did I ever really beat you up? You wouldn’t even know. Did I ever really trash your house? You wouldn’t even know. Were you really actually scared of me, wanting to phone the police? You wouldn’t even know, you were always too drunk, from the minute you woke up to the second you passed out, you drunk.

No-one thought less of you.

I did.

You laughed at me, you looked down on me, you tried to intimidate me. But the worst part was, that young boy, you did it all to him too, used his friends against him, Mum’s family against us both. You would phone up Mum’s Mum and cry to her, ‘What can I do?’ you’d ask, ‘I can’t take her anymore’. Nor could I take it. Your young son would come crying in the night to me, sleep with me because he was scared of you, that isn’t right.

But we asked you to stop drinking or we would leave, you didn’t. We told you we were leaving for good, last chance, you didn’t. You fell and hurt yourself, you did then.

We are better off without you now. You didn’t want to be at my wedding, well I didn’t want you there, I paid for it myself, not you, you didn’t walk me down the aisle, the brother I looked after did.

No-one ever thought less of you.

I did.

Your daughter, no longer

Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 718

Dear Austin,

I hate it. I try so hard to talk to you.
To be convinced that you don't hate me.
If you only knew what you put me through.

You don't see why it matters. You don't have a clue.
Left me alone for months now,
still I think it's the night we can't undo.

When we shared a special moment, underneath my moon.
Still, of course... it could be your smile.
Nobody would guess the things I would do....

Just to see that grin, and to see it for me, too.
If you haven't caught on by now, and I'll deny it...
sometimes I still miss you.

- A notch in your bedpost

Austin Kane Mullins
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 3

Dear Kristyn,

Things are dark here
Without your laugh.
Just that smile
I never got past.

No matter how bad it hurts
I cant seem to hate you.
I always love you girl
No matter what you do.

I feel so much different now
Now that your gone.
It just seems like your
That war I never won.

I thought you'd keep me
Through this.
Ill never forget
That last kiss.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 5th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 62

Dear brother,
  Its been a while, huh? Haven't talked in what seems like forever. So, what's it like? You know, knowing whether there's a God or not? You were always the most religious one. I just wish you could tell me, since youre in heaven and all.
   It's been rough these past few years without you. I hardly know who I am, what I believe less. Those days were so simple, when we would play in the front yard and not give a care about the world. I miss wandering the woods and playing soccer. The simple days of memory.

  Things got worse after you left. Mom grew sadder, but then got sterner and less caring. Dad got more and more into his work, which I doubted was possible. I have found someone who cares for me, but I don't know how to express what I feel. Ironic huh? A poet who can't express himself. Anyway, I'll try to keep in touch.

  With regards,

P.S. Why did you have to go? Why wasn't it me?

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Dear T

It was february 09
the last of us , our final time
I shouted down the stairs
'can you turn the heating on '
but I was unawares , that you had gone .

After 8 years
and three kids , plus three of your own ,
away you slid , leaving me and them , alone ,
the council then kicked us out of our home ,
we ended up in a smaller place , down the road .

Your three went to their dads
as I and mine , we made the best with what we had .

We became a team , me and my three ,
doing good at school , as you got married ,
you moved to manchester , visiting every 6 weeks
then you took my girl away , to the courts I now plead .

So thanks for nothing I hope it was worth it ,
you gone a good thing
of which we deserve it .  .

Good riddens    SPS .

poet Anonymous

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Amber Lee Stoner
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 22nd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 173

Dear Travis
You were my best friend.
Oh the hours we'd spend talking about our dreams. You were the only one who understood. You could look into my eyes and read my mind. But I was so foolish. I grew angry at you when it was really me. I remember those cruel words that I hissed at you. The way your eyes dulled. The way your smile faded and the misery as you said goodbye. I laughed at your pain and for that I am truly sorry. You left that cold winters night and met death with hardly a fright. Was it my fault? I believe it so. If only I didn't let you go. Now you're gone and I'm never alone for your soul haunts me wherever I go.

        Yours Truly

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

Dear Ex Girlfriend,

   I used to have the biggest crush on you. Just like glue I was stuck on you. I thought it was inevitable and we'd be inseperable with a bond so incredible. Instead you did something unacceptable at the time it was unforgivable. It still haunts me the act was unforgetable. But still I moved on. Time to be strong.
   Time has passed and I have forgiven you. Maybe it was me, maybe I've driven you. Maybe you foresaw what I couldn't see. The confusion and the struggle with my identity.
   Maybe I've been blaming you for something that wasn't your fault. You picked up on the combination and unlocked the vault. The curiosity I've subsided I thought I could hide it. You've questioned me on it but I got scared then denied it.
   You asked me if I had feelings for somebody else and at the time I didn't feel like explaining myself. I told you that you were bugging over nothing. I've assured you time again that you're the only one I'm loving. At the time I was unaware what even bought up the discussion. I thought it was the vodka that you were drinking like a mad Russian
   Then one week later you've acted on your instincts and cheated. After I've told you you're my one and only I couldn't believe it. Didn't want to believe it say it wasn't so. But you couldn't so I was left with nowhere to go.
   I've tried to look past your slip up but for some reason I couldn't. My heart just wouldn't. So I took a walk with hurt in my eyes. Then this dude approached me boldly and asked me was I into guys. I simply replied no and he asked me what's wrong. I explained my situation and told him the love I had for you was gone.
   I was vulnerable he was available and offered a shoulder to lean on. He gave me his number and later that night we talked for 3 hours long. Suddenly I've forgotten all about you. But when he hung up I couldn't imagine life without you.
   That seemed kind of strange so I needed to be alone. To sort things out I turned off my phone. I still loved you despite everything, but I was falling for this guy. I just couldn't understand why. Part of me felt like with you I was living a lie.
   So I broke up with you and considered being bi. I needed to experiment so I've called back the guy. We had mind blowing sex it was out of this world. He erased all the feelings I ever had for girls.
   So I just wanted to say thank you for cheating on me. Because if it wasn't for your infedelity who knows where I'll be.


                       Ex Boyfriend      

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
Why did you withdraw? I really liked your poem.

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