Poetry competition CLOSED 14th April 2012 6:16pm
cjmshadow (Caleb)
View Profile Poems by cjmshadow

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Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492

dustyjjewels said:Anger;The first son of pride
Brief but violent
Like the ocean tide
He is a restless soul
Very difficult to control
But when the damage's done
Everything goes



Thought Provoker
New Zealand
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 207

Little bitches:

Get mad
Want to turn around
Make me slap
You because
You fucked with me
Just walk away you little
And stay the fuck away
Walk away
And not turn around
Stop fucking following me
I told you once
And i wont tell you again
Leave me alone
I dont even know you
So stop your shit
And leave me alone!

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492

diddi said:Little Boys              

They sit , then they swagger  
talking shit , pile of wankers ,
mouthing off , in the distance 
blood you'll cough , little fucksticks . 
Acting big , dickhead thespians 
but you frig , each ones assholes ,
like a twig , I'd break your backbones ,
do you dig , pricking buttholes ,

your heads I'll rip , from your torso's . 

Hooded tops 
and crap shellsuits 
open gobs ,
brain cells absent 
you I'd drop , in an instant 
total knobs 
of redundant .

Bring it on , fucked up scum ,
I'll beat you gone , double drum , 
I'll bounce you hard , that for a month 
around you'll hum , you coward cunts . 

Picking on kids , walking past 
do you want some of this , I'll make you piss  
your tracksuit pants , 
when I get near , all fear , it then comes out ,
you turn to tears , sniffing the beer 
off the bar towels .  

Imbeciles , infantiles
pick on me , or someone your own size , 
you act so big , new toys by your side 
but when the fan hits the shit ,
you're little boys by mothers side . 

this poppa-bear grizzly right here
got that eastwood get off my lawn type shit



poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318


is like a thunder
up in the sky
rumblings and roars

is like dark clouds
that gather together
and bursts

is like a typhoon
that blows hard
and destroy all on its way

is like a fire
burn everything
to darkened crisps

of mine is like a needle
pricking hard and deep
bursting into pus of vengeance.

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

The spirit of vengeance has infiltrated my soul
The fire burning is scolding hot and it's blazing out of control
Im hoping for your sake that you're preparing for the aftermath
Of the karma that you about to receive from my dangerous war path
Justice is about to be served the law is going to be enforced
Please don't expect any sympathy or any type or form of remorse
You earned the number one spot on my infamous rumored shit list
The way that I will dispose of you you're going to wish you never existed
The bittersweet taste of revenge in my mouth
Drunk off the idea it's hard to spit out

You can guarantee that there's going to be some bloodshed
I'm extremely pissed off to the max the only color I see is red
When you played games with my head I was haging on by a thread
The pain I have in store for you is going to make you wish you was dead
You really have done it now I'm harboring fierce hatred
You should've had more respect for me I consider my trust sacred
There's a ringing in my ear that's the sound of emergency bells
I could give two shits about your ass and I hope you rot in hell
The bittersweet taste of revenge in my mouth
Drunk off the idea it's hard to spit out

Its too late to apologize keep your sorry to yourself
I simply want you to experience the pain that I have felt
Don't withdraw from the game now I'm just playing the hand you dealt
I'm man enough to wear the pants I'll skin you for a brand new belt
In other words I'll wear you out until you're practically worn
It's about time you realize there's nothing like a grown man scorned
I've been an angel for way too long now I'm so ready to transform
You should've brought an umbrella in case you didn't know I'm the quiet storm
The bittersweet taste of revenge in my mouth
Drunk off the idea it's hard to spit out

Kristin Sapper
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 6

A slap to her face
Tears down mine
Slam her on the ground
My heart crumbling inside
Please just leave my mom alone
I love you
Ill kill you
Growing up was hard for me
Broken bones
Scars that will never go away
You tramatized all of us kids til this day
Your weak abusive and need be set away
Before another women and child sees the real Greg

Thought Provoker
Finland 3awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 240

I believe in what they prove me,I don’t believe of what I hear,So save up the word I love you And better still tell me that you like Me A lot, there and over here. Because it been less the smile of my face, And cry, than keeping my heart like I was daze, Those four letters can sometime be so heavy, Shit, I just to say no, now I do believe in love, Since I saw a woman having a baby,
Im saying it too, because when you felt Sleep in my arm, while we were in the back of My chevy. I mean my car, to day I remember So many beautiful things, but they’re already sad And I still question myself, if you for me really care,
While you were gone, I grew up, don’t know if you notes, Because I realize that I was so much like an idiot,Believing in your lies, god forgive me for this sometime I wish You die, because the way you did it to me, you can Do it to another human been, I wish my heart feel What I really want it, I going to school you that you don’t Play with every body, you don’t play with everybody not, Believing in your lies, god forgive me for this sometime I wish You die, and if you are just to play with fire, with fire one day youll fry, it been a year since you been gone, a year i been alone, a year i have not been able to forget you, waiting for a letter or at least to hear you voice over the phone, saving my body for some one that is alife, because if you left, or stayed, or if you even care for you like i di,  is not the bad thing, the worst part of this shit is that i still love you, i would stay with, dont care if you kill me, this soffering with you taste like chocolate, i wish you were mine, and again belong to you, and i dont do it because i cant do it, is because of my proud, i know where to find you, but forgot the route, but i want you to do good, god bless or you dream, dont worry about the money that i spent for that ring, im so happy, if you are happy, even if im not your daddy, get merrie and get beutiful husban and buy you an expensive ring, and than let me know, when you wake up from that dream. i loved her. hate her for that.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 663

Sear Me

Sear Me, this malice demands you to,
stemming from the roots of violent days
back when the world had gone astray,
when murder, death and sorrow swept
the scarlet fields and the crimson bay.

Metropolises crumble
and wrath overpowers all,
the end of days have come
and eternity marches on,
we are left to suffer the fall.

In time the chaos will recede
man killing man, purely for greed
such a spectacle for heaven and hell,
anger controls all that as well
sear me, this blood lust wants you to,
our time is now, yours will come too.

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 2nd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 557

Lost Control

Fear spreads through me as the familiar rage begins to overtake me
If only people knew what was happening, if only they could see.
But no one recognizes the signs, the tremors in my body, the darkening eyes
No one sees the monster inside me; no one hears my desperate cries.
The monster is back, bloodthirsty as ever, desiring to cause even more pain
Every time he comes out, I lose more of myself, become more and more insane.
He takes over, binds me with his hate, and locks me away
I never know how long he’ll imprison me for, whether a few hours or the whole day.
Someone, anyone, I beg you, please, hear my cries, come and set me free
Just release these shackles; can’t you see that this is not who I want to be?
I try my hardest to win control, but his hatred crushes my will
For he’s stronger now; I can sense this time he has intent to kill.
The only thing I feel is the burn of his many cuts over my exposed veins
He said he just wants to help, and that this is the only way to stop the real pain.
In desperation to stop the internal pain, I believe him and his web of lies
As he holds the knife out to me, I realize he’s just helping, he’s truly quite wise.
With determination in my eyes, I take the knife from him and make a tighter fist
And like a skilled artist, create new bloody designs that flow from my cut up wrists.
It drips down like gentle rain, and forms a dark puddle on the floor
In my head, I hear my monster sweetly whispering to me “that’s it, just a little more”.
Like a student desperate to please his master, I begin to slice faster and deeper
This whole time, it’s felt like I was climbing a hill…but suddenly that hill seems steeper.
My arms burn, legs become weak; I try to move but slip on something slick
As I look around, I see a red floor, and realize I lost a lot of blood, and lost it too quick.
I feel tired, all I want to do is just lay here on the floor, and get some rest
As I start to drift away, I realize that maybe this cutting idea wasn’t the best.
I can feel the fire beginning to fade, replaced with an icy feeling that’s spreading fast
I feel betrayed, for I believed my lie that by doing this I would find peace at last.
Instead I feel nothing but regret, and an overwhelming sense of fear
For it has finally dawned on me that I went too far, it’s too late, now my end is here.
My eyesight dims, breathing becomes labored, head starts to pound
With frantic eyes, I look for my monster to help me, but he’s nowhere to be found.
He’s gone, no longer inside me; his lust is finally satisfied after all these long years
I’m alone now; no monster here, only a blood stained knife and a pool of red tears.
My strength is gone; I finally lost the fight against my depression and sorrow
I fall into the shadows of darkness, never again to wake to another tomorrow.

the sequel to my poem I posted on the 1st page "the Beast Within"

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 5th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 7

cjmshadow said:The Beast Within

There's a terrifying feeling deep inside me 
It causes my eyesight to blur, until the point that I cannot see. 
It feels like I'm being trapped in an evershrinking cage 
I can feel my whole body begin to tremble from this sudden powerful rage. 
I need some kind of escape, I can't take this emotion swirling inside my head 
I suddenly want to hit someone, something, anything, until that thing is dead. 
My room is spinning, I think I'm going to go insane 
There's an overwhelming desire, a craving, a need to inflict great pain. 
A beast appears next to me, maniacal grin, a gleaming knife held high 
With hate dripping from every word, he screams at me that it's time for me to die. 
Again and again he cuts, causing me more and more harm 
Until all I can feel is the burning pain, and the warm blood dripping down my arm. 
Under all my rage I feel a little scared to say the least 
Because even I can't seem to be able to control this blood thirsty beast. 
I try and escape, but I can't get away, I can't reach my door 
The beast just laughs, and holds me tighter, cutting me more and more. 
I close my eyes, thinking my life is over, when the beast finally stops 
I feel no rage now, only relief, when my arm suddenly drops. 
I open my eyes, see all the blood, which looks like spilt red wine 
Suddenly I notice that the hand that is holding the bloody knife is mine. 
I look around the whole room, denying it, thinking that it couldn't be 
But there's no one else, and I realize that the ugly beast was the dark side of me. 
I was the one who cut my arm, I was the beast who was filled with nothing but hate 
The maniacal grin returns as I realize that this is me, and it will always be my fate. 

ok we have a winner!

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 2nd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 557

Thank you for the win Lostchild! there were many amazing poems to compete with lol.

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