Poetry competition CLOSED 20th April 2012 2:53pm
firedaughter (StayAwayFromTheNutcase)
View Profile Poems by firedaughter


Story Challenge

Lost Thinker
Joined 6th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 16

Poetry Contest

Continue the story with your own writtings.
Wright a paragraph ( Eqivalent to 5 lines) to continue the story.

Must flow well with the entery before you.
Make it interesting.
Cheak spelling (we all make mistake's but we need to understand what you saying)

Yes I will allow swearing, sexual content, drug references etc.
Add character's, location anything you wish.

Too start you off:

My life was in her hands. One minuete she's telling me that everything
is ok the next... Well detail's. I feel pity on her, this desicion I don't
envy her. Her beautiful face marked with stress lines. Shame.
I supose I should tell you what im on about. Well im dying.
21 years of age and its all about to end. See what happened was....

Continue on! Enjoy!!

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

I got involved..In some pretty nasty things..
I am deeply in debt and I can't pay the bills 
for my next chemo treatment... And I guees this is where 
I make my resign.. I made mistakes.. and I am ready to fix them..
But where do I begin?..Where do I start..

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Canada 3awards
Joined 14th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 159

Now I'm laying here staring up at the cracks in my ceiling that seem to look like something different every time I see them and wondering if this really could be the end of everything.
I try not to think about all the things I shall never do or people that will never know me trying not to cry.
But now hot tears are running down my face and dampening my pillow and I am struck by the feeling of complete despair but also acceptance.

Thought Provoker
Finland 3awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 240

I take her hand and i feel the fear,
i look at her eyes, i discovered passion,
(she tells me come i want to make love)

i look at her, feeling with the same fear,
i see it clear, because she is so
innocent to start making love. i see her
with compassion,
(she tells come anyway, i want to make love)

making love to you it would be so wonderfull,
making love to you it would be so beautifull,
making love to you because you are so bella,
making love to you, i would do it a capella.

time is passing by, and she is insisting,
touching my chest, she keep persisting,
she wants me to be the first to penetreate her
body, take her on a flight of emotion, please
she is telling me, i want to see love from up above,
(i want to make love)

i lose my temper, and control,
guiding me, i think i wanted after all,
i felt like a kid, crying to be fed.
i swam in that heaven, red sea,
nothing beautiful as that i have never seem.

only a day passed by,
i get this call from her,
she said she missed me, and
then she cry, she could not sleep
she could not keep, herself in class,
could not even study or paying atenttion,
calling my name in any presantions,
she could not handlying her self in this
sitution, she does not want to do nothing more,
than see me again and make love.


Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

I looked away, hiding my tears from her. How can I show her how sad I was and that beneath that tears, there was also a tinge of morbid joy.
The joy that it was not me laying there and waiting for death; the joy that I could continue another day in my quest for love and life. There was also a tinge of delight that came with my tears. This woman now laying so helplessly there once took my beloved away.
I was so in love with him and I thought he loved me too. However, it took only a minute for him to change when he saw her. What did she have that I did not have...I asked then. Now I know: this woman dared to give her all, her body and soul while I held back. I loved and then made love...she fucked and then love. That was the difference.
I looked at her sleeping figure again, her once beautiful face ravaged with disease, her eyes with its long eyelashes closed now. She had full blown aids: the scourge of promiscuity, I thought.
I wiped my eyes and walked out of the room.

poet Anonymous

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