Poetry competition CLOSED 11th April 2012 12:35pm
BleedingInferno219 (Kristyn Ashley.)
View Profile Poems by BleedingInferno219
RUNNER-UP: diddi

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My first love..

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

Poetry Contest

Your personal feelings on your first love..
My daughter is 15 and has her first real boyfriend .. She asked me to write her a poem describing to her how i knew it was my first love.. It is not something ive ever really been able to write about. So i told her I would ask my fellow poets to try and answer this for her and she will help me pick the winner.. So can anyone write a poem about their first love and how they knew it was love?. much appreciated..

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

My first love
Oh it was bliss!
How did I know it?
By the first kiss..

He held me close
and oh so near..
He told me he loved me
he called me his dear..

He gave me everything
anything I asked for
He was my first love
and I didnt need anymore..

Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 718

The First Time.

I chased a long while,
that was half the fun.
He breathed light encouragement,
to show I had won.

A kiss on the cheek,
and secrets in my ear.
Hands intertwined,
no dark seen to fear.

All I remember is light,
and his jacket on my arms.
To hold me when he couldn't,
so I'd always be warm.

The fun we had on his mother's couch,
and the reckless sort of first love,
that's how I knew the rush was true....
and it affected both of us.

His cologne I recall,
to this very day.
My first love has gone,
but he taught me everything.

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Just a speck  

What am I to say
words are the only form I have
how else am I to convey
my feelings
my appealings
my wanting to show you the
colour of my ceilings
my desperate
my genuinely
my quite particular
you make the white
of my orbicular
turn from round
to a lenticular
true needings
your the tarot
to my deck
of true readings
I would like to be
the speck
of dust on your shelf
that caused a sneezing
anything would do
as long as it held a meaning .
These are all I have
just words to use
there not an attemption
to bemuse
nor a contemption
of you
you electricute
all of my past
into an ash
and down a forever gone shoot.
You pulse
through my mind
my thoughts convulse
turning me blind
your warmth it pulls
away my DNA
causing it to unwind
I wish to divulge
and be kind
but you tell me
that honesty
is hard to find
well honestly
hear this from me
you blow out
my f**king mind
and you
are the glue ,  to the bind
in the spine , that holds together
all that I , could ever
hope to possibly endeavour
to begin to search  
within or without , whatever
I know that another day
shall I come across two
of you to ensue
with such fervour
as I do with you
I knew
from the second
I saw you .
Please don't wrongly take me
or strongly , foresake me
I aint a messed up crazy
that is just how you make me .
So what am I to say
when words are all I have
to convey .

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

Thank you all so much .. My daughter love them. something from each has hit a chord and im able to know more of what she is feeling.. i appreciate this..

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Each Day     (written in 2010)   

If I rattle my mind
the thoughts I lost , again I find 
covered in moss 
as time goes by 
the now becomes once , the past is why 
tomorrow will cost . 

Certain paths are trod   
along gone days 
the people we cross 
decide our fate
the flaws and faults 
which never abate 
are just part of 
a life so great . 

Since I met you 
I blinked again 
the past of blue 
did shrink and wane 
you make me chew 
on my own brain 
as I think you knew 
I should've gained 
but I did , I do 
with you 
each day 
all gone is new 
your tune 
does play 
so I thankyou 
for coming my way 
and never shall you rue
what is our fate .


Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 28

They say that I’m foolish 
With my head in the clouds
For they think that romance
Is nowhere to be found

They say “men want pleasure,
They’re just looking for sex!”
Ah but they are the fools
Because I…I know best

Yes it’s hard to explain
But I know love exists
It’s the only thing that
Could make me feel like this

When he touches my hand
I can feel my heart pound
I can’t help but smile
Every time he’s around

My stomach starts dancing
When he looks in my eyes
And each kiss on the lips
Gives me more butterflies

His whole face will light up
When I say ‘I love you’
And when he says it back
I just know that it’s true

There’s hardly a moment
When he’s not on my mind
Yes he’s something special
Oh he’s one of a kind

They don’t know how it feels
When he’s holding me close
His arms wrapped so tight, he
Doesn’t want to let go

No they can’t understand
What his words mean to me
He takes away all of 
My insecurities

Now it feels like I’ve found
What I didn’t know was gone
Kind of funny how love
Is just stumbled upon

Yes it’s hard to explain
To the old and lonely
But first love is pure love
The first and the only

Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2772

Until Tomorrow

and trails of breath fill the air 
Frostbitten cheeks and 
conversations about anything 
and everything 
I've never met anybody who takes 
my mind off of life like you 
We walk to keep the conversation moving 
to keep blood and stimuli flowing 
Adding to our time by 
seeing things we either 
both love or both hate 
I love the way your eyes light up when you laugh 
You move fast because you 
simply want to see everything 
before you have to die 
I move slowly because we have 
control over tonight and I want 
it to last as long as it possibly can 
We talk about mortality and realize 
we're both afraid of the things we can't know 
But you dive headlong into that darkness with a torch 
and learn everything you can 
I go over and over what is here 
trying to glean every little detail 
Hoping to find a loophole 
and in digging through all this mental paperwork 
I see your name signed at the bottom of every page 
right next to mine 
Suddenly I think 
all the rest can wait until tomorrow 
and I steal a kiss from the cold

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 25th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 201

"Spider-web Cage"

Holding on to a butterfly’s wings 
Holding my heart on tattered strings 
Holding your breath amidst fragile things 
I see you, do you see me? 

Calling a name through the growing night 
Hiding my face from the dimming light 
Yelling and screaming with all my might 
I am the door, will you be my key? 

Smiles reflected on the falling tears 
Watching them splash on the coming years 
Running away as happiness nears 
I know who you are, but who will I be? 

Identities shatter on the stolen glass 
The shell that remains shines like polished brass 
But it’s empty inside, it’ll never last 
Look in the mirror- who’s that I see? 

Curtains raised on a cautious show 
The heart shown there is as white as snow 
The lead actor watches from the floor below 
I trust you- but what does that mean? 

The actor endeavors to cross the stage 
Takes as short as a second and as long as an age 
He opens the door to the spider-web cage 
I called to you- will you set me free? 

I saw you, but did you see me? 
I was the door, but were you my key? 
I looked in the mirror- and who did I see? 
I called to you, and did you set me free? 
I love you, and do you love me? 

Gathered in his arms, the actress cries 
For all the dark whispers and all the sad lies 
Her heart, set free, rises into the skies 
Joined in the clouds by those loving eyes 
She whispers, “Do you love me tonight?” 
And he whispers, 

Twisted Dreamer
Wales 1awards
Joined 24th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 102

My first love was not what I expected,
I thought I had experienced love before,
but when this love hit me,
and it hit me hard,
I knew my past feelings were mere imposters,

For this girl I loved,
or I should say love, 
for I still do,
was one of a kind,
understanding and sweet,
I explained her my feelings,
when we first did meet,
and she mirrored them back,
and a fire was born,
inside my heart,
that has never once worn.

Kristina Leigh
Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 10

Your poem hit me where it hurts... What are your feelings on having a stanza of this poem tattoed on someone? :)

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 209

this is based on not only the good of a relationship but the bad as well... this is a true story... but the last line isnt true in my case

my first love,
bliss that i had never experienced before.
a pure happiness,
that goes unbound.

i loved being in love,
being in love gave me purpose.
i loved being with my lover,
love is a force that nothing else can compare to.

we met in class,
i saw you were very beautyful.
love acts in mystical and strange ways,
i love being in love.

but the happy fog never lasts,
i thought everything was good.
i loved you,
i never would have let you go.

there is both good and bad in a relationship.
i always experienced the good.
apparently u always experienced the bad,
we are ying and yang.

in order the relationship to work,
we need to talk.
about us, our feelings, dreams, everything,
and we will survive

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 209

wish ur daughter good luck 4 me

tell her to keep a watch on her bf... not all follow chivilry and r truthful like myself

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