Poetry competition CLOSED 16th April 2012 3:09pm
View Profile Poems by LeesAngel
RUNNERS-UP: IMAGO and firedaughter

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A "thank you" poem.

Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 718

Poetry Contest

A poem in which you thank someone for anything you are extremely grateful for, be it a child, a family heirloom, etc.
- must have a rhyme scheme of your choosing
- no more than 200 words
- 2 weeks to submit
- 2 entries per person

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Thanks for the light
You've shown down unto me
I will never forget that day
You answered my dying plea..

On my deathbed I breathe
Short shallow breaths
And you never looked at my differently
Even on the brink of death..

You squeezed my hand so tight
and promised to not let go..
There is something I want to tell you
Something you need to know..

My dear I used to ponder
Life without you
and I sat and laughed
Because you had no clue..

I want to thank you for loving me
and for always being there
For lying there with me
When I no longer needed air..

108 words total

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3008

“Power over Adversity”
by: Eric L.Boddie

Thank You for the victory that only You could conceive
Thank You for the air You allow each of us to breathe
Thank You for the food that keeps us going strong
Thank You for the Church, the place we all belong
Thank You for the rain that falls from above
Thank You for the struggle, it makes us worthy of Your Love
Thank You for the water, the maintainer of life
Thank You for the woman, only she can be a wife
Thank You for the children, the only form of man which is totally true
Thank You for the devil, only his test can prove our loyalty to You
Thank You for the saints who are not afraid to call upon Your Name
Thank You for the sacrifice given the last time You came
Thank You for Your Word, the greatest power ever
Thank You for Your Guidance through the stormiest weather
Thank You for listening every time I want to talk
Thank You for following me, no matter where I walk
Thank You for Your Mercy, It has been given so many times
Thank You for Your Forgiveness, even for the things which only occur in my mind
Thank You for my soul, the place where the costs of my sins will be paid
Thank You for Job, the greatest example ever made
Thank You for my brothers and sisters, just them, not the things they do
Thank You for my mother, she gave me directions to where I could find You
Thank You, Heavenly Father, because only in You can we place all of our trust
Thank You for Your Holy Son, He cleared a path for us

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1593


How did I get to this lonely place
Am I that much of a homely disgrace
I sit around here so fucking pathetic
Pointlessly waiting for you to be apologetic

Why bother trying to fool me with your lies
Your trickery brings me to so many cries
Why do I care, I already said it was over
I need to let you go so I can finally get some closure

THANK YOU for fucking up yet again
Reminding me my choice is not made in vane
I am no longer confused on my decision
I now own hind sight's 20/20 vision

All these years I thought I needed to change
My whole life for you I would rearrange
Now I see that you are the one to fault
So I am bringing this "marriage" to a screeching halt

I wish you the best of luck with your new life
Maybe it will be better without a loving wife
I hope we can stay civil for our three kids
Knowing you, that won't be where I put my bids

So pack your shit and get out of my face
You are no longer welcome in my new found space
I am fighting angry; sad I am no longer
Because of this, I am now even stronger

Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 718

Lovely, all good entries so far..<3

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 21st Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 984

Thank you for teaching me how to be stronger,
Thank you for teaching me how to live on longer.
Thank you for not abusing me like the others,
Thank you for not cheating on me with another.
Thank you for holding me close while I cried,
Thank you for not giving me some weak lie.
Thank you for just being yourself,
Thank you for bringing my emotions good health.
Thank you for letting me be me,
Thank you for being what I've always wanted to be.
In the end it's only you,
Who knows me as well I do.

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Thank you for bringing me
Into this world..
But thats all I can think of
All of my words..

You never truly cared
Was never really there..
Didn't try to save me
While I was gasping for air..

I know we have our differences
All of them set aside
I want to thank you this once
Don't act surprised

I will thank you
For showing to me
What a mother shouldn't act like
And what she should never be..

78 words total >.< 

poet Anonymous

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Viwe Lugongolo
Thought Provoker
South Africa 1awards
Joined 24th Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 250

Thank You Enough

I can't bring myself to write to you
This will be the last entry
Being out of touch is what you do
So I will wait and see

I have missed this throbbing in my chest
You had me numb for too long
Inside my mind there is unrest
This is my swansong

I appreciate you selling me a lie
I am grateful for your being distant
I can't bring myself to cry
Even though my heart is full of imprints

I thank you for putting on a show
But most of all for letting go

poet Anonymous

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Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

I Got The Best From You  

Two people in a room
shaped like a square ,
pale orange is the tune
although their not in there
so easy I was fooled
to think they were a pair
plastic was the spoon
it turned a sweet nightmare .

Chocolate cups
air fresheners
rocking in a pot
of kicked down doors
a cockroach in a cot  
and painted floors
times gone but not forgot
inside four walls .  

A longed for  , new life shot
scrapyard , backyard
parking lot
where you two
did sit and rot
in a rusty old robot
I was there was I not
you were scared
and he blew pot
tempers flared
and blared red hot
unknown I cared  
for the cradle he rocked .

I did all I could for you
the years , they have flew
the tears
have pressed print blue ,
you broke my heart
and apart we grew .

You gave more
no less
three kids are all
of the best
so I have to express
my thanks to you
in excess .

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 6th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 193


I thank you, for who you were,
The hard-working man always with a fag in hand.
If you were still here,
Our family would still have a sturdy stand.
That once solid collective.
We continued to see you as how you were, they were defiant,
They neglected you.
But you knew it was us being there that was important.

I thank you even now for that.
We would take a walk together most days,
The woods seemed daunting back then.
I asked if there were wolves in that big wood, that was my inquisitive way,
You told me there were,
But you said if I left them alone they would leave me be too.
I remember many things so well.
I remember the smell from your greenhouse, where I’d usually find you,
I’d sit and watch you stare.
When you were in hospital, we would eat all your chocolate,
You never minded,
You liked having us visit you and not treat you as if you were delicate.

You were brave and strong,
Your name tattooed on me to show how I still think of you.
I thank you for the way you influenced me,
Judd, my Granddad, I thank you.

Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 718

That's a fantastic poem... I'm going to get a tattoo on me to commemorate my father...

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 6th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 193

BleedingInferno219 said:That's a fantastic poem... I'm going to get a tattoo on me to commemorate my father...

thank you, both me and my brother got him on us, his covers the whole of the underneath of his forearm tho, mines just on my shoulder lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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