Poetry competition CLOSED 1st April 2012 11:47pm
diddi (Paul Summerscales)
View Profile Poems by diddi
RUNNERS-UP: Kou_Indigo and Pravus

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Free spirit

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 7th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 40

Poetry Contest

If you could live your life how you wanted to live it without society considering it unusual,write a poem describing that free spirited lkind of life we all crave...

poet Anonymous

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Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Above The Poplars  

I want to walk across
the tops of poplar trees
above the copse
of people on their knees
as they look in shock
at the higher me ,
I don't want to drop
back to where I plead
it isn't how I bleed ,
I don't like to concede ,
passion runs , it doesn't walk
through every part of me ,
I have certain needs
in my sight
so I can see
but every time
I throw my line
they get out of my
thrown reach .

Many complications
and bad communications
a lack of belief
and quick set condemnations
missread dictations ,
unheard orations
my blood gets bled , I'm nearly dead
before the celebrations .

So I need to be
above those waving trees
I swear some day
I will , and you'll see .

I'll get up there , with no use
for accused , hot air ,
my keys will leave
their typed nightmare
and sail in the seas
of unanswered questionaires
reply with ease
and put the damage in repair ,
my words will talk
on every board in coloured chalk ,
run around in the minds
of those who cannot walk
and maybe then
I think the ink in my pen
will turns the if's and but's
into a definite when .

And that , you see
is all , I need
so don't worry about the food
and all who feeds ,
no ride is free
or full of ease
and I don't need
you at all ,
to ever carry me .

Strange Creature
South Africa
Joined 22nd Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 2

Distant stars stared through suns to witness my birth/As the Free spirit lost immortalness on Earth. . .The free spirit walkd on a surface filled with servants/where the intellectual r prisoned then the spirit is prismd. . .into bio-chemical visions. . .LISTEN!!! I can here the Free spirit whispering the Golden Silence. . .still breathng after torture still breathng after internal violence/Seeking 4 guidance from da enemiez. . .morphing negative energiez in all his bodies. . .through psychological chemestry He mensions Thee Living Semetry to be the Savior of his Spirit. . .or The highest frequenciez of Infinite Thoughts lyrics. .Fly Free spirit let the soul guide you as you roam consciousness with no worries behind you. . .Exit through Death to other dimension where you wil mension what you learned on the 3rd dimension. . .Free spirit traped in the womb of Duality. . Find your ways through polarity

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492

.:Day to Day:.


We gonna take off another pissed moan day
Put 'em back-on-their back-on dues day
Wanna birth? Gotta do-a New Kid’s day
Gonna keep it all dry that thirst day
Do a fun-‘er-real on that cry day
Run-it real what we steal for a fatter day
Miss her wedding; hold-it-off ‘til someday
Guess-her-gone-day.. was "that" best day
Two-sorrows gone farther swept the year away
Never-ever change things…now does they?
Lifetime of soured wine thinking Lady Day
Spooked the past; didn’t last saying ok
Future bright; said goodnight just to getaway
Role played, then the lust; then the fade away
Country-mile made ‘em smile…did it our way
Making sense? Your expense was the price to pay

photo: rosie.hardy©

Guardian of Shadows
United States 17awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2010
Forum Posts: 1546

On grasshoppers and ants

They told him he was lazy,
that he'd never amount to anything.
He replied, I amount to happy
and damned if I ain't rich in it.

But you never push for better (said They)
and you accomplish nothing at all!
He responded, I accomplish relaxed
and that's the highest art to master.

I give up! said an exasperated They,
I'm not worrying over what I can't change.
And he said,
Now you're getting it.

They asked him, Where will you be
in twenty years? Still relaxing and happy?
Probably, he replied, and babydoll
it's beautiful.

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 19th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 60

Living in a Simple Fantasy

I recommend listening to this song as you read. It's called "Halving the Compass" by Helios:

let me stay in a dream

rent out a living space in a Sunday afternoon

permanently linger in meadows surrounded by misty trees

in purple and blue flowers

in thick, lush, kelly green grass

in blue skies touched by wispy clouds

in sand

in warm, sugar-fine, white sand

in sinking, wet sugar sand

as teal waves of cool water thick with salt

lap over my feet

in sunlight as it bakes in vitamin d

in the steamy, earl grey waters of a tea cup

in a cushioned chair on a porch

on a porch of a wooden cottage

in a small town that can fit into my hand

with flavors so concentrated

its impossible to taken in all at once

let me dream

let me linger

let me stay

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 209

-Free Spirit-

i am the one no one understands
i am the one that has hobbies long ago forgotten
i am the one that hangs out with those younger than myself
i am the one

free of hatred
free of judgement
frre of bullying
free... free at last

no one understands what is in my heart
no one knows what to do in this lawless world
no one understands what it means to be pure
no one except me, myslef and I

in a world without rules, i am unknown
in a world without rules, i am no one
in a world without rules, no one tells me what to do
in a world without rules, i am free

I am merely a Free Spirit
Floating down the river of life

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 5th May 2011
Forum Posts: 21

I like your vision of Utopia here.
Definitely a place I would choose
to live if it were an option.
Great poem!

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- Love, Reinvented -

If I were given the fair mantle of goddess of love,
By all the divines who reign from heavens above…
I would make of love a finer thing, more glorious,
So that it would make lovers sing out, uproarious!
Imagine if lovers could merge their very spirits too.
And know ecstasies that much greater, more true,
Than any humankind has imagined in poetic verse.
Imagine love undying, never fading for the worse…
But growing more magical, with each kiss shared,
Lending the heart strength so it cannot be scared!
And that is but the beginning of my blessings kind,
I would make love truly free for every soul to find.

No soul to be lonely, but every heart fully paired…
Knowing love eternal, with not a pleasure spared!
The angels would rejoice at my creation so lovely,
And all humanity would be granted angelic beauty.
Death would be undone, so love could so endure,
Without age to take from us, those we love sure…
No longer, would passion be solely to create life.
I would make of it an art, and with it end all strife!
No need for jealousy if love is the birthright of all,
And no need for guilt when lust leads none to fall.
I would make lust a virtue, with love as its’ guide,
With not a wickedness to taint it or within it abide.

We would all be as gods then, each in a paradise,
With no boundaries or barriers, nor society’s lies!
If two hearts be in love, even if the same gender…
I would bless their union, and make it the grander.
We need not the limits that are imposed so cruel…
By those who invent “morals” they use like a fool!
Let love be our law, and let life take its’ courses…
Leaving us to live life fully, marveling at its’ forces.
If I could reinvent love I would do all this so well,
That love would redeem even the damned in Hell.
This is the blessing I would bestow upon creation,
If I were a powerful goddess, of love and elation!

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Magic poemz
Fire of Insight
Kenya 8awards
Joined 24th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 166

I have made good plans in my head
As I move outside I find people filled with hate
Everything I do is for their mouths to say
Then increase pain in my head.

My mama calls me good for nothing
My papa sees me as foolish and unworthy
My neighbors just hate all my struggling
Everyone sees me as a cursed creature dying.

After this hate I got to a casino
I see hot chics like girlfriends of bobby valentine
Before I can relax and get a cup of cappuccino
They laugh at my state and classify it as zero.

I meet many people different in color
Race, religion, nationality for that matter
Few dont care about me but others
Hate me discriminate me and call me a hazard.

I wish I could just live alone
Because all this people are so damn wrong
Why is life such a burden and a fro ad
This stress is too  much my spirit  is  better off  alone.

Thought Provoker
New Zealand 6awards
Joined 23rd May 2010
Forum Posts: 311

I want to feel affixed to the ground,
Not to float away amidst the storm,
The trudging waves, offer none a fear
But the stregth to learn,
And the means to swim.

I want ceilings of black and walls of white,
Brides in ivory,
And death to flies.
I want all to see, through high optimistic eyes
So the pessimists can cringe, whilst my shadow comes alive.

Not as the price of free will

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