Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd March 2012 6:34am
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RUNNERS-UP: AlexnEmoLand and goodest

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Who Has it in Them!!!

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 27th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2

Poetry Contest

Poor your Heart in front of you!!!
Write what is really in your heart!!  Don't hold back!!! Write!!!

Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 718


poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3008

"At This Moment"
by:  Eric L. Boddie

What a difference a day makes
We are all here for the Beautiful words' sake
And with that being said
So often my pen has bled
My Life unto the paper
In hopes of comprising another caper
That would surely reach the hearts
Of so many and not because I am smart
But because I am just a man
Who is trying to Live within His Plan
But others will try to make it hard
But my words just won't retard
Rather they will continue to move
As if the surface was smooth
On the canvas upon which they create
Inspiring intellectual debate
Just last night the roads were crossed
And many felt my battle should be lost
But the things that I saw
Made my words become more raw
And finally I realized
That if no one ever apoligized
Then the battle will never end
And with an endless battle, who would ever win

Panama Judas
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1421

I am genuinely bored shitless.
I'll be quite arrogant in saying,
that I don't think there's a living person
who I will meet
(For I am certain that they exist)
who will drag me away from my
forlorn disbelief in the progressive
nature of humanities quest
to become more illicitly dull.

Yes, they are those who shout
their obscure ideas from rooftops,
cleverly worded like Ginsberg poetry,
but I do not want to dance
amongst the pretentious.
The rest have all found God
or the 'wanker's guide to emotions'
and volume 2:
'Letting people know you have them'

Well, I'm no better than the rest,
but I am bored and
boredom hits at keys.
Boredom picks up on the melodramatic
slush-puppy that is poetry.
So, one more wince for another's write
and another wince at the cunt
who picks them up on it.
Well, well well,
I finish without finishing...
Nobody was hurt in the making
of this cock-up?

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 209

this is the longest poem i have ever wrote... and go figure it is about love

You lied to me,
You played with my heart.
You said you hated him,
He treated you in evil ways.

Now you tell me it was all a lie,
He’s your boyfriend.
You stole my heart,
Then you crushed it.

You asked me why I didn’t trust you,
I said I did.
Big mistake,
Look where it got me.

I tried to keep you,
From hurting yourself.
Looks like you would,
Rather hurt me.

Do you know how much,
I loved you?
Do you have any fucking idea,
How hard I’m crying?

You say you don’t want,
Me no more.
You do what I don’t like,
So that I won’t talk to you.

You make my heartache,
You are squeezing my insides.
To a pulp,
From eleven and a half hours away.

I still love you after,
All this shit.
All this shit,
You have done to me.

You told me you hated,
So I was myself,
I respected you,
Cared for you,
Loved you,
Now you tell me I’m too nice.

I asked you to have,
A nice life.
You tell me you won’t,
What am I supposed to do?

You love playing with my emotions,
It causes me Heartache.

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 209

-Tearful Rain-
When we first talked,
I was happy.
A month later I was hurting,
Hurting because.
I wanted to see you,
But I was too far away.

When we were talking,
And I heard the rain.
All I could imagine was,
You and I kissing in it.

Now when I hear the rain,
All I can imagine.
Is all the tears,
I have shed for you.

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 209

-Thank You-

You hurt me and hurt me,
I tried to be there for you as much as I could.
I cared for you,
I loved you.
But it seems all you could do was mess with my heart,
And spit in my face.

I wished that I was dead,
Iwish that I had never met you.
Maybe that way I wouldn’t be in so much pain,
God this life sucks.

But now I am kind of glad you hurt me like this,
Now I have a better outlook on life and I see the evil in it.
Not just the good that hides the bad,
I refuse to be fooled again.

Thank you for your torture on my soul,
It helped me see the truth.
It has allowed me to see what is important in this world,
I will full fill what I want in this life.
So that I will have no regrets in the afterlife,
Thank you.

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 209

this is alot graphic so... BEWARE!

-Needless Revenge-
I loved her
I really did,
But she betrayed me.
And because she betrayed me,
She has to pay!

I went to her house that dark, dark night
The one night that even the demons from the hell wouldn’t come to earth
It’s the one night that neither the almighty god
Nor the almighty devil can or will touch me
For my fury burns all around me

I went to her house while she was playing with her new boy toy
I slipped into the back yard
And in through the back window with ease
She nor her boy saw or heard me coming for them

Within seconds they are unconscious
I drag their limp bodies down the stairs
Thump, thump, thump
Their heads bounce off the stairs
I tie their hands to the poles in the ceiling
I tie them so that they face each other

I get my knife, set it on the table
I throw ice water onto their bodies
As soon as she sees me her face morphs into inhuman hatred
I look her in the eyes and tell her "watch"
"You should enjoy this"
I grab the knife and throw it at her boy

He screams a scream that the Banshee's would be scared of
I rip the knife down
Nearly ripping his arm off in the process
Blood gushes out and covers my hand and the floor
She looks disgusted, I’m happy, but still hungry for revenge
I cut his bonds
He is still screaming
He looks at me and freezes, and says "w-what are you?"
I say your worst nightmare
I jump on top of him and punch him 1, 2, 3, 10 times in rapid succession
I disembowel his other arm
Rip his legs free from his body
Then I rip out his heart and put it in Her mouth
I cut her down and push her to her knees
I cut off her head, and watch her dead body spasm
I lay down in the red pool of death that I created
I fall into endless dreams of sweet bloody bliss

I love Needless Revenge

Tyrant of Words
United States 18awards
Joined 10th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 35

Poor Your Heart indeed.......

try havin yr chest cut open, havin yr heart lit'raly in the hands of strangers for an 8 hr shift, unbeating....

it' does amazing things for yr creativity......& when ye wakes up, havin supposedly 'survived' that which they thunk was gonna kill ye, makes ye wanna shout

FUCK ALL THIS STUPID HUMAN COMPETITION in Art,Poetry,Music,Commerce,LIFE & EveryThing Else -
( ! Vapid EgoShit of The Collective Concensus Insanity ! )

o'shit...I'Think I WON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {place ironic smiley icon HERE}

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

A Sky In Each Eye  

Am I real
can you deal
with all the layers
that you feel
the thoughts
as I kneel
on the floor  
yes I'm real
my mind
is not blind
and nor
did I steal
the contents inside
they are mine
the real deal .
If you think
for a minute
in synch
yes I'm with it
the light
you will find
is the chink
I am in it .
Just trying to find
the blink  
that hides
I know these times
but you got to stick with it .
You have to believe
not all do deceive
we are fresh
we so mesh
it's so stupid to leave .
So how do I proove
that you I won't use
each other we peruse
there's only me
in my shoes
and yes I know
that you're you
I love
I conclude
there's a sky in each eye
and each one is for you
all I ask is believe
in the task
you can't see
my mind without eyes
is not blind
it still see's ..
What more can I do
I don't want war
not with you
you're my wife
let's not fight
can we join
the happy crew .

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

Last time I did this i had to leave for a week so the place could die down a lil...

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

quote-68957-Devilish]Last time I did this i had to leave for a week so the place could die down a lil... [/quote]  

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

Rain, Rain go away..

I crank up the volume
and take another hit,
doesnt take long
for this dark room to be lit.

Dragging through the morning
Choking up at night
cutting deep into my skin
I hold my blade tight.

I want kids when I am older
I want good news to tell
but who tells their childeren
they waited to die in hell?

I'm slowly losing hope
my minds begining to race
looking around not knowing
how i got to this place.

So rain, rain go away
because of you the pain will stay
slit my throat, cut out my heart
leave me here or tear it apart.

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