Poetry competition CLOSED 24th March 2012 4:19pm
skinnyjean (Llamaliscious)
View Profile Poems by skinnyjean
RUNNERS-UP: kriticool and oceaneyes

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Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1593

Poetry Contest

Write about the turmoil that goes through your head when having to make a life changing decision.
Examples are:
 Deciding between two loves
 Taking someone off of life support
 Getting a divorce

It doesn't have to be these, nor do you have to say what you are trying to decide, nor the decision made, though you can if you want. You just have to describe the turmoil that goes on in your mind when trying to make such hard decisions.

No more than three entries. At least one of them has to be a new write.

Any length is okay.

Have fun and be creative!

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 23rd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 15

Sands of time shifting  
Folding inside-out
Every Split moment tightens into knots
Then feel as nout
Take my will from me so I have no choice
So the pain is released
I should be deceased

In Dark wonder I am purely erased  
It has been forever but not long enough
Find me peace then wrench it out with grief
I would banish your existence from this earth if I could
Brain smashed by quilt

I see no need too breath
I would bring your death for my relief
So I can walk further into the depth of dark
And not return for one year
Only you would be my saviour

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1593


Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Too High      

A ladder
in the sky
gone laughter
now ended  
that echoed to cry ,
the clouds
all worried they sigh ,
they huddle
in the muddle
that's gone by ,
old rainbows
the show
has now ended
all colour to die
from full spectrum light ,
equating , frustration
elation , damnation
glass are the eyes
in pupil dilation
the past it now bites
as life now is vacant
so goodbye my wife
I hope you can make it .

Nob ody
Lost Thinker
Joined 10th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 21


It's a new feeling,
I think they call it hate.
I loved you once before,
Before we met our faith.
My love has melted
from your lies and decete.
Your sorries and promice always came to late.
To some, love is just a word,
to me you were that word.
Letting you go took some time,
I figured out you were no longer mine.
To do what you've done you should be ashamed,
instead you lie and say you have changed.
I'm moving on to a nicer place,
where angels walk at a nicer pace.
just always remember it's because of you
my feelings have changed
from love to hate.

Paige Rider
Thought Provoker
United States 17awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 165

"To Be or Not To Be?"

To die or to live?
To sleep or to stay awake?
To love or live alone?
This is really the question.
Pondering the right and wrong.
Instead of seeing what is really there.
Hamlet stands preaching to the audience;

"To be or not to be: That is the question. . ."

The answer?

That is for you to choose.
Look at the life that Hamlet doth live.
Looking for answers.
And seeing the world only one way.
Seeing his mother as something wrong,
disrespecting women instead of seeing who they are.
All of them are the same.
I suppose?
But oh, Look at Ophelia--
She loves him so.
Is she like his mother?
That will marry someone else,
the moment the her love is dead?
Oh no. . .
For her love is true.
Doth not Hamlet see that?
But oh it is to say,
that mortal men
take mortal hand.
And make mortal choice,
on mortal land.

Look at the darkness that this play doth cast.
Look at the monsters that the world will out last.
Oh look!
For do you not see?
The thin line between,
living and dying.
Dreaming and waking.
Saving and killing.
Hating and loving.

We all have a choice to make.
To love.
To live.
To dream.
To breathe.
To save.

To die.
To wake.
To kill.
To hate.

To lie.
To cry.
Those tears and precious fears.
Of forgotten years.
Forgotten days.
Forgotten times.
Forgotten ways.

Stop pondering. . .
Stop wondering. . .
Stop dying. . .
And start living.

The question is simple as it would seem.

To be or not to be?

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1593

Wow, these are really great!

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Joined 1st Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 146

Just like that it was gone,
So easy, this cannot just happen,
I looked around,
Jaws were dropping in awe,
Some were clapping, others were still too shocked to clap,
The Man in Black took a bow and left,
I sat there undecided...

Should I frown in the face of deceit?
Or should I appreciate the magicians feat?

Indifferent, I remained undecided...

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2016

Two halves
two whole
Two girls
two souls
I always wonder
about the other path
and if I will find it
if I ever turn back

poet Anonymous

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