Poetry competition CLOSED 26th May 2012 5:00am
rayheinrich (Death Plane for Teddy)
View Profile Poems by rayheinrich
RUNNERS-UP: Grace and Kou_Indigo

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Colours changing colour!

Rakhi Rudra
Fire of Insight
India 6awards
Joined 24th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 298

Oops i wrongly clicked on the wrong due date[technically i can't redo that]
i wanted it to end after 4 weeks approx(i.e.25th march) and now it appears 27th of may.
I messaged DU webmistress to do so else we can continue till may 27th of may.No issues for that.

Keep them coming guys!

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- Desire of the Scarlet Princess -
An Expression of My Yearning Heart

If I must sing for my love to come, this is my tune…
For a princess must use what arts she learns, soon.

A body alone is merely cold, dead matter so inert,
Without the vibrant spark of life to grant it motion…
And what is the spirit, but a fair light so very alert!
It is truly alive, with the essence of all our emotion.
Some are beautiful and strange, in so many ways…
Works of art so pristine and perfect for all to see!
Some labor to become still more, all of their days.
Others labor for liberty, to become a person free!
My hand is that of the artist, and I am my canvas,
As I apply color to my lips, or blush to my cheek.
The way I do wear my hair as well, more or less…
All of this is art, and for art’s sake I am not meek.
Beautiful and strange am I, and I cannot do other!
And so in garments of black and purple, and red,
I am a princess without a kingdom; like a mother:
But one who is a child of her own creation, bred.

I am of my own making, so whole and complete,
And yet unfinished, without that one thing I crave.
Love so tender, a fellow heart so kind and sweet,
To raise me up from sorrow like life from a grave!

Yet I cannot command others to love me selfless,
For selfish are the hearts of men who see me not!
Though they look upon me, many lies to confess,
Within their eyes, making all lying words naught…
Thinking I do not know their mind, and yet I can.
For my heart is open enough to feel many things!
Long gone, is the hour when I was born a man…
And I seek my brighter day, and all that it brings.
My seeking is a yearning and burning hot desire!
Where is the love whose touch shall ignite flame?
I hunger for such a love, until I fear I shall expire.
There is for such all-consuming desire, no name!
And yet I live and I pine for something so rare…
Something beautiful and strange: my soul’s mate.
I try to imagine, what hand might caress my hair,
That same hand on my body, in passion to sate!

I can almost feel the pleasure, the peace of love,
Rushing upon me, like lightning upon the fields…
Like the wind caressing those clouds high above.
So would be the hand of love and all love yields!

Touching me in intimate splendor with such skill,
A whisper of loving words in my ear, seductive!
Until at last I surrender unto love itself my will…
But for now I weep until I have no tears to give.
No one can cry forever and dream of love as I!
Someone, somewhere, must see these words…
Like a message in a bottle, clear below the sky.
Is such a romantic notion so silly: or so absurd?
No; for I have lived, breathed, and bled for it…
A princess of scarlet sorrows, denied paradise!
Yet I must be bold, and keen must be my wit…
So that all my dreams, at last, I can fully realize.
Will you kiss me in the dark, lover I hope for…
Until our sweat anoints us like a sacred nectar?
Sorrow is my coffin of glass, and I wait in store,
For the kiss that will, new life, to me so confer.

My lips are moist, and I lick them in promise…
Of more delicious sport, betwixt lovers as one!
My heart is pure, and open to the heat of bliss,
Blood red, snow white, my soul never undone.

I am the princess, and my desire is boundless…
If love is a treasure, then to gain it is my quest!

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Colour Me In      

Colour is always
so much fun ,
white light
split from
the loving sun ,
the dark of night
is where we sometimes
run ,
when we hide
from what , we may become .

Music shakes
in patterns
colours vibrate
in loudness ,
the sound , the wave
when played equate
to spectrum rays  
displayed through haze ,
they permiate
right through my brain ,
accentuation , illumination
lights blow up
expansion , floatation
colours are fun
on this insane rotation
together they run
into a bright white invasion .

Rakhi Rudra
Fire of Insight
India 6awards
Joined 24th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 298

Lovely poems Kou_indigo and Paul.

Reina reey
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 2nd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 8

Colours.... A word
of what is within..
What brightens..
The darkened...
What we get for colour..
Orange purples and purple greens..
Egg plants... Strong
Of songs sang... After the fading
blue and black..
Dark strong..

poet Anonymous

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Rakhi Rudra
Fire of Insight
India 6awards
Joined 24th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 298

Reinareey--That was a good job,i liked it much.
Umarani--Your piece is awesome,well crafted.
yup thankyou!Its tomorrow,a very happy holi to you and your family

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Twisted Dreamer
Romania 4awards
Joined 1st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 74

Black Red and white,

do you know my grandfather once asked

"what do you see on those black mans faces?"
He was old and ruled by the white man's rules
He was arrogant to the new way's of life
There were people who were truly all seeing in
Black and white
I replied to my dear grandfather
"What would you say if I saw into them grandfather?"
He looked at me curiously
"We are all red on the inside, you can't even argue with that."
He grunted and kept to his white man's ways
I always have seem in black white and red to this day.

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

Colour In The Lines

I'm a black man with brown skin singing the blues
Smoking some greens which made my eyes red
I'm listening to Prince singing Purple Rain
Sipping on vodka mixed with orange juice
It makes me pee my urine comes out yellow
I looked out the window the skies were gray
I kick off my pink fuzzy slippers
To lay down in my bed with plain white sheets
I'm staying in today

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

Born Into Colour

I've seen a white light when I came out of your vagina
Right out of your pink center
Covered in a red glaze from your insides
I recall seeing doctors and nurses
In blue and sea green uniforms
Wearing beige latex gloves
The palm side covered in the same bloody red glaze
That covered my perfectly smooth brown skin
And the silver-ish metallic scissors
They've used to cut the umbilical cord
To detach me from bondage from your cramped pink uterus
Because my black deadbeat father wasn't man enough to do it
He turned yellow at the last minute

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411

   < after you left >
   me and one of my socks
   the other sock
   the stamp on the letter
   i ate it
   the tomatoes i'm cutting up
   for my salad
   the sun right now
   the stamp on the letter again
   but i'm learning
   the blue cheese dressing and me
               - - -

Rakhi Rudra
Fire of Insight
India 6awards
Joined 24th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 298

Winner piece:

  < after you left >
  me and one of my socks
  the other sock
  the stamp on the letter
  i ate it
  the tomatoes i'm cutting up
  for my salad
  the sun right now
  the stamp on the letter again
  but i'm learning
  the blue cheese dressing and me
              - - -
(Ray this ought to be on my reading list)

Kou_indigo and Grace beautiful enteries.Well deserved.
Congratulations to all.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Congratulations Rayhenrich for winning the competition, and Jessica...wow go girl...and wow yay me! A year has gone by at least eh.

Rakhi Rudra
Fire of Insight
India 6awards
Joined 24th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 298

:)i'm sorry for that Miss Grace i had to do with the university papers that time.

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