Poetry competition CLOSED 9th March 2012 00:57am
Page_Writer (Paige Rider)
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The After Life

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Poetry Contest

Have you experienced any supernatural happenings ? Write about it if you have , or how you would imagine such things .
Captured By The Past  

A girl stands at a window
pale , unphased , alone
without a halo
lost but in her home .

It's a long time since she walked
the crumbled floors
an after image stalks
the castle doors .

Captured by camera
never before seen
she looks like a Hannah
maybe eighteen .

Many years have passed
outside the walls
clouds conspire to an overcast
to trap her in those halls .

I see the image and wonder
why was she so young
back then it was easy to go under
death so often sprung .

Now I think what was her name
and what a pity
what a crying shame
she was so pretty .

poet Anonymous

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Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Anything you want indie :)

Thought Provoker
New Zealand 6awards
Joined 23rd May 2010
Forum Posts: 311

You left me hanging man....

Rollar Darby baby,
Hollow eyes,
Long black hair,
Thin black tie.

Shaven clean,
Born with scars,
No more sadness,
Just a mark.

Around you neck;
Cuffed and grazed, and bent.
You hang slowly,
Swinging toward the wind.

This tree,
Used to look so serene,
Like the christmas angel,
You still torment me.

Atop my fibre optic tree,
Every year.
Such beady eyes.
Heights? No fear.

You must have died,
In shame,
Or in denial;
That you couldn't lift such weight with your head.

It's better to live,
Your life dead.
When you have to make,
Everyone elses beds.

Still too bad you had to disapear,
When I tried to poke you
With a stick.
Piniata boy;

So beautiful,
Why did you have to leave?
If only you would have stayed,
We could've played hide and seek.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

The return

Lightnings and thunder
Rain falling like sheets
On the zinc roof
Howling wind

Whispers behind doors
Soft footsteps on the stairs
Moving curtains
Riffled books

A soft whisper
A gentle touch
A lingering kiss
Waking up in tears

A rose under the cross
Happy Anniversary Darling!

Twisted Dreamer
South Africa 2awards
Joined 8th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 66

pain and purpose

open hole in the ground
six foot deep
many people but not a sound
as we stand and weep

blood red rose falls on maple wood
as we say goodbye to her
so young she was my love my life
what now i wonder?

small hand touches mine and fingers interlace
i kneel down and deep blue eyes
stare across my face
my daughter my blood alone we are now
she's gone and heaven awaits
don't worry my child and don't you cry
she will wait for us at heaven's gates

we pace our walk back to car
greeted by family and friends
i know them all but no tears i shed
until an old hand extends

oh my father she's gone
as i fall to my knees
my hands so cold on my face
my son no worry feel the warmth
which comes only from gods grace

he picks me up as my eyes are shut
tears burning my eyes
soon a feeling of amazement fills my gut
my fathers been dead for years.....

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

skinnyjean said:You left me hanging man....

Rollar Darby baby,
Hollow eyes,
Long black hair,
Thin black tie.

Shaven clean,
Born with scars,
No more sadness,
Just a mark.

Around you neck;
Cuffed and grazed, and bent.
You hang slowly,
Swinging toward the wind.

This tree,
Used to look so serene,
Like the christmas angel,
You still torment me.

Atop my fibre optic tree,
Every year.
Such beady eyes.
Heights? No fear.

You must have died,
In shame,
Or in denial;
That you couldn't lift such weight with your head.

It's better to live,
Your life dead.
When you have to make,
Everyone elses beds.

Still too bad you had to disapear,
When I tried to poke you
With a stick.
Piniata boy;

So beautiful,
Why did you have to leave?
If only you would have stayed,
We could've played hide and seek.

I love this , nice work indeed :)

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Grace said:The return

Lightings and thunder
Rain falling like sheets
On the zinc roof
Howling wind

Whispers behind doors
Soft footsteps on the stairs
Moving curtains
Riffled books

A soft whisper
A gentle touch
A lingering kiss
Waking up in tears

A rose under the cross
Happy Anniversary Darling!

thanks for your input gracey girl , and heavy poem , wow

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

nagasaki said:pain and purpose

open hole in the ground
six foot deep
many people but not a sound
as we stand and weep

blood red rose falls on maple wood
as we say goodbye to her
so young she was my love my life
what now i wonder?

small hand touches mine and fingers interlace
i kneel down and deep blue eyes
stare across my face
my daughter my blood alone we are now
she's gone and heaven awaits
don't worry my child and don't you cry
she will wait for us at heaven's gates

we pace our walk back to car
greeted by family and friends
i know them all but no tears i shed
until an old hand extends

oh my father she's gone
as i fall to my knees
my hands so cold on my face
my son no worry feel the warmth
which comes only from gods grace

he picks me up as my eyes are shut
tears burning my eyes
soon a feeling of amazement fills my gut
my fathers been dead for years.....

Very touching , I felt that big time man , excellent writing !

Twisted Dreamer
South Africa 2awards
Joined 8th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 66


i watch you walk and do your thing
in this house of yours
when night fall comes and all is still
i'll watch you close the doors
draw your curtains and take your bath
as i stand here on my own
i'll wait here very patiently
tonight you'll start to moan
get into bed now sleepy head
close those pretty eyes
now let me hold you close to me
no one will hear your cries
i'll hold you down, you cannot move
let me have my way with you
my hellish eyes will frighten you
hold still now don't be cruel
my serpent tongue sucks and licks
while you enjoy this nightmare
and when you wake and all is fine
you'll wonder....
                was he really there?  

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- Sylvan Silence -

A Tale of The Supernatural...

There was silence in the sylvan realm, as clouds gathered on high,
And in the primordial seas below, the ancient things did stir anew.
For sorcery was at work in the land, which rational minds oft deny,
Although such powers exist in this world; I have seen them, true!
It was in October, when I set out along an old country road alone,
Not too great a distance from the house I have long called home...
On a night with fog so thick that it seemed of astral mists created,
I found myself drawn towards a nearby park and its' grassy fields.
Not a moment did that fog lift, nor had the chill in the air abated...
But rather it grew like unto a veil, covering the air like thin shields.
And on this otherworldly eve I heard a piercing cry, inhuman shrill…
Yet I could not walk away, for there was within me a primal thrill!

Of a sudden the fog rolled back and in the misty fields I so beheld,
Shadows human in their shapes, yet ethereal in sense and form...
Enacting some scenes from another time, walking where they fell,
Playing at life as children play at growing up in some future morn!
Above them all, a shrill cry like the Banshee of ancient tales told...
Oh, what horrors must have been in those fields in bygone days!
My grandmother told me once of a woman's murder, brutal, cold...
In those very fields it took place, hid from the sun's warmer rays!
The murderers long since gone, justice long since forgotten about,
Before my birth, before my generation, the evil became a legend...
As all who walked where the death was dealt could never doubt,
Were they to see what my eyes beheld, down that country bend!

Haunted fields and spirits in the woods, such is the unseen world;
That exists past the thinnest of veils, in quiet New England towns.
Ghostly ships off the cape, with tattered sails still grimly unfurled...
And animal spirits that enjoy their hunt near native burial mounds.
I have heard tales of demon bears, things that go bump at night...
And things that defy the logic we treasure, seen with other sight.
And so, when sorcery awakens in the land and spirits rise again...
Those like me, with the gift to see, must with such things contend.
When what gods there be use their power, to make us listen well,
In the silence of sylvan meadows sing dark angels fallen from Hell.
Beautiful yet terrible, as all things from the outer darkness can be,
All this and more can await, when you have the heavy gift to see!

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- The Light in the Eyes -

In the fleeting moments of the day exalted,
I walked down old roads, remembering lives.
Lives lived, lives lost, and love yearned for...
Near the ruins of an old, holy place I halted,
Thinking on the nature of how mankind strives.
I pondered deeply, as I had oft done before!
Walking in crumbling halls, I spied a maiden,
All in black as if she mourned some dark fate.
She looked upon me as if thusly to condemn,
But in her eyes I saw that it was not too late.
To the lonely spirit, I spoke as if to command,
And the time ran, as if it were grains of sand.

Oh maid forlorn, why look upon me with evil?
I: who but took pity upon your weary form...
It was my intention to reach out ever kindly.
But all I see are eyes hard as stone in a mill!
In your face there is anger like unto a storm,
I have stumbled into your darkness, blindly.
Lift up your countenance unto the light, then,
If you can see light in these haunted places!
Give glory for all that gives joy unto women,
Hide not away in the depths of cold spaces!
Let me comfort you, so you may laugh loud,
Fearing no longer to know delight so proud.

And so did that young ghost sadly exclaim...
Kind soul, give your comfort unto living spirits,
For I am lost to the warmth of your embrace!
The light is dim here, and when even it quits,
Then no longer shall even you recall my face.
The living are not meant to know such pain...
But in you I sense a world of torments known.
Hidden from the sight of all, within your bone,
Within your blood, within your soul it so lies...
Before even the dead you cannot so disguise,
A heart broken before its' time, a soul fallen!
Where is the light for you, within this old den?
Do you not see me, so pale and bereft of love,
That I died alone, and saw no angels or dove!
You cannot help me, for my time passed by...
Now here I shall weep, and here I shall sigh.

In truth, I saw no light in that old stone hall,
Nor any trapped in the ancient church's wall.
Though people once raised voice up in song,
Now they were gone, and years passed long.
Only this maiden remained, praying faithfully,
For some power to redeem her unspoken sin.
I know not the nature of whatever sad injury,
Which made her so bitter, and broken within.
But because I never turned a living soul aside,
I could not forsake this spirit, nor go and hide.
It was not in my nature to turn others away...
For I once walked alone, when I went astray.
I do see you, and my eyes see beauty bright,
Forsaken in life, but not lost to those of sight!
I can help you, for your redemption is nigh...
Look into my eyes, and nevermore light deny.

All this I told the dark maid, and she did weep,
Her tears fell as blood, into the stone to seep.
She saw the light within my eyes; at long last,
She rushed forward to meet it, moving so fast!
I held her for a second, and she disappeared,
Finding the peace she lacked and even feared.
But in whose eyes will I find comfort so dear...
Whilst I walk in the darkness and shed a tear?
Not all souls lost, are those bereft of all flesh...
And the light is still waiting, so warm and fresh!
Not the light of some distant world yet to come,
But that of love, which lies in the eyes of some.

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