Poetry competition CLOSED 10th February 2012 2:59pm
OctoberArts (Octob3r)
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What does happy mean to you?

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 27th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 8

Poetry Contest

Tell me how it feels and what you think when you are happy!
This is my first Competition so im still a noob at this XD

poet Anonymous

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Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592


Watching my babies
play in the sun
that to me
is what I call fun ,
hearing note laughter
of unrelent ,
smiles captured
on camera
a golden heaven sent ,
handing them a gift of
from the heart felt ,
watching their faces
smile in merriment .

Jewelled sky ruby
from the  precious above ,
I have happy with me
everyday with their love .

Take everything
all I own ,
the car , my six string
even my home .

I don't care
as I have happy ,
I breathe diamonds for air
as my kids stay with me .

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318


Happy is me when...
you wake up and
turn to me
say 'good morning'
with a smile

Happy is me when...
you take my hands
across the table
and say 'I love you'
with a twinkle in your eye

Happy is me when...
you hand me flowers
picked from the meadows
and say 'just for you'
just because I am there

Happy is me when...
you live with me
you laugh with me
and discover love each day
for the rest of our lives.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 28th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 4


Happy to me, is in a euphoric state
I stay there for a while, like it's my fate
I love the feelings, sounds, and sites
Happiness can be in just one strike

Fire up a joint, the mean goes away
feeling euphoria all day
the green is so potent
I just want to lay

Everything that has any effect
cant be as good as a joint and a bottle of becks
It's all good when your feeling high
but happy to me is just living life

poet Anonymous

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Brandon S Nabhan
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 30th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 14

Happiness -- an agreeable sensation arising
When contemplating the misery of another   --Ambrose Bierce--Devils Dictionary--

Duncan Alexander
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 1awards
Joined 4th May 2010
Forum Posts: 2018

TwofoldSilence said:Happiness -- an agreeable sensation arising
When contemplating the misery of another   --Ambrose Bierce--Devils Dictionary--

I like that you should make that your signature.

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 27th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 8

That was deep

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- Three Kinds of Bliss -
The things that make me happiest…

Bliss of the First Kind – Carnal

Oh, to sing of the hot bliss I find in a lover’s arms!
Might I compare it to the kiss of the sun in spring?
For in that season I am smitten by so many charms.
Yet in love all charms a lover to me doth so bring!
And this is but a taste of happiness, ne’er the whole.
For happiness is a well, which hath not an ending…
I fall into it, and I am content to lose all my control!
Before its’ power, I find myself supple and bending.
Lips that I might kiss: are but a sipping of that well,
And I let their moistness fall upon me, and I therein.
Happiness is warmth hotter than the fires of all Hell,
The heat of love, and that embrace I long to begin!

Bliss of the Second Kind – Personal

There is bliss to be found in being the woman I am,
For so long I could not speak my nature out loud…
Having had the misfortune, of being born as a man.
Now I live unafraid, and of my femininity so proud!
In skirts long and flowing with my hair worn pretty,
Men and women catch my eye, and I blush so red.
But I am not vain, and in my ways I am not petty…
So there is serenity within me, of which I have said.
I like to be called princess, and I love to wear pink,
With a bow in my tresses, or around my slim waist!
I am female in how I talk, how I look, how I think,
And you can see the inner peace in my smiling face.

Bliss of the Third Kind – Spiritual

How to sing of the bliss I found, in my spiritual life,
Is no simple matter so I shall make it simple, pure…
And I will extol the Goddess, who rid me of strife!
Not a daughter could ask of any mother, for more.
Unto me, she sent angels when I had been in need,
And her divine beauty, inspired me to such verse…
That it set my spirit aflame, and that fire I still feed.
Her praises, are within me; I need never rehearse!
She is in every flower and each rose in my garden.
I feel her in the azure of the sky, and in the stars…
Her forgiveness is a mercy; her love is her pardon.
By her command I was healed of all my old scars!

But one thing is just as grand as these three joys…
The words “I love you”; so will you tell me these?
I would be happy as a child with Christmas toys…
For love is the happiness that grants truest peace!

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 579



Happy is an illusion

Life’s way of teasing

Fabricated reasoning

Made for you to believe in

Its destiny lies as a memory

Because It can’t forever be…

Only a component of our insanity

Constantly purging us into calamity

Pulling out a deeper question inside of me

What is living happily?

Two second smiles misplaced

Between frowns and a blank face

60 second Laughs and giggles

Between tears lost in sorrows riddle

Listen and listen well

Happiness is a momentary spell

An emotion derived from hell

Without fail lifted over time

By the gloomy anxieties of life

That you will one day label a lie

To one day be crappy is to be


Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 22

Happy is when you feel no pain... No sadness... And all you can do is put a smile on your face.... But such happiness is hard to come by... Because most people smile so they can hopefully truly some day... when you look in to the eyes of some one you love... And know that they feel the same way....or when you know that all will end.... that is happiness

Strange Creature
Joined 30th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2

The Biggest Lie...

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 20th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 6

Happiness is
the realization,
that - amidst all
the evil and hate
and war and loss -
good still prevails.

She told me to have
A beautiful day.
And she meant it.
And I was happy.

Happiness is
the realization
that - amidst all
the monotony,
and daily downs,
and dreary drama -
Love still exists.

He told me
He loved me.
More than life itself.
And I was happy.

Paige Rider
Thought Provoker
United States 17awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 165

Happily Ever After (A Realization Late at Night)

My thoughts think of him,
the one that I have promised to love forevermore.
It is early in the morning,
late at night.
But I can't sleep. . .
The feel of his touch haunts me,
his kisses are a mere ghost on my skin.
My body twists and turns,
at the thoughts of how much I want him
to be here. . .
To hold me,
kiss me,
love me,
or just to simply say goodnight.
Why am I so clingy all of sudden?
I always considered myself a "clingy girlfriend"
but why so much,
why now-- All of a sudden?
Even though I loved him,
my mind and heart were still hurting
I was still mistrusting,
after all the pain that she put my through. . .
What was I suppose to think?
I feel tears slide down my cheeks,
and I realize. . .

My final wall has broken down,
the countless times I've cried
and he's been there to wipe away my tears.
The many bursts of anger that he's had to deal with
and I push him away,
shove him away that one time--
And I realize that,
I couldn't afford to let him go.
To let him feel vulneralbe out there in the cold
world, no not like I did.
Not like how I felt when She pushed me away so often.
My heart starts beating in my chest,
and tears won't stop sliding down my face.
Because I finally know what has changed,
this time I'm not just the clingy girlfriend,
and I'm not just the pathetic creature looking for love.

I'm happy.
It's almost like a dream,
I think about how surreal the feeling is
when he's not there.
It's as if he's a character in a story,
a figment of my imagination.
When he's standing in front of me,
he's suppose to be my best friend again.
But then he's closing in on me,
like I'm some helpless prey
and he the predator.
He mouth is on my neck
and he is holding me against his body.
I can't help but feel shaken up,
it's almost painful how in love I
have finally allowed myself to fall.
This is true happiness.
What I read in those fairytales all my life,
just like the movies.
The girl falls in love with her best friend,
and than they live happily ever after.

Will I end up happy?
I asked myself that once.
And now I know the answer,
as long as I have him.
The answer is. . .


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