Poetry competition CLOSED 1st March 2012 10:28pm
nagasaki (pittyfulmind)
View Profile Poems by nagasaki
RUNNER-UP: OctoberArts

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 209

-Before I Die-
ripping at my hair
like a pissed off bitch

the air is a violent woman
but a woman with love

fly torwards the ground
at terminal velosity

adrenaline running through my veins
faster than light

this is beautiful
there is no noise
no death
only peace

the world below me begins to shake
my ears pop as i create a sonic boom

the blood pounds in my ears
like the ancient greek war drums

i am twenty meters above the ground
going 400 miles per hour

i spread my arms instantly soaring from the ground
into the air once again

i am a genious
they have worked

the skematics were correct
the bronze wings of Daedalus work

they will allow humans to fly at low altitudes
it is terrific

before i die i want to create Daedalus's Wings
i will be a legend more so than even Daedalus himself

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 209

let me know what you think

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

I want if I can

I want if I can
to travel the land
before I lay down
and sleep deep
in eternal rest

I want to touch
the white ivory sands
of beaches around
the world
feeling it among my toes

I want to lay down
under the shadow of the pyramids
and wonder at the ingenuity
of past Kings and Queens
and dream

I want to roam
on vast green fields
where fairies lived
in the days of yore
feel the tall lush swaying grass

I want to wander
in the market place
everywhere in the world
and savour sights and sounds
of the crowds

But most of all
I want to do all these
with you, my intended
who are you...where?
Come to me now....

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

What To Do    

Things to do
before I die ,
let's spin Saturn's rings
then poke Jupiter's eye ,
re-tune old heart strings
fix what's fell apart
then bring
the fell to a new , not far
standing ,
then see some flying cars
buzzing ,
across the skies of Mars
with angel wings .

To jump through time
now that I'd like ,
straighten some lines
in my life hike ,
or try to find
a tandem bike ,
to share with my mind
with one alike .

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
omg! Yes...

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 11th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 6

he stares like a lost child
a longing puppy desperate for this
potential adopter's love
never thought i'd be seen as
more than human

he makes me feel ten feet
somehow worthy and it
scares me to the point where
i can't function without him

i need him because i love him
this new feeling is the
scariest part
we will never walk away
and i shall wear his collar

Thought Provoker
New Zealand 6awards
Joined 23rd May 2010
Forum Posts: 311

Find my faith in you

Fall completely
Free, like a free fall
A skydive
Or highrise
Suicide, just acheap thrill
Deviding my judgemnt
To let another in
Just once chance
Just one heart
Just one true love
To give and recieve whilst
I still have the strength in me
The nieve ability
To trust

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 20th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 8

Before I die-
I want to have truly lived.

So far I've been several things
to several people, but
Who am I to me?

A giver, a taker, a lover
A deceiver, a super-hero
A villian, a maker of beauty
A destroyer, a creator
A joker and jester,
A rhyme manifestor
A loving sister, a martyr
A intellectual giant,
A mental midget
A smothered soul
A free bird flying
A tortured mind
A tormentor
A fine food diner
A fast food junkie
A character, standing out not to be forgotten
A character playing the supportive role
A spiritual advocate
A sinner
A loser
A winner
A dreamer filling up my days with fantasy
A harsh realist squashing hope with truth
A conspiracy theorist
A believer of the the unseen
A knower of facts and stats
A dismisser of polls and votes
A sinister calculator
A submissive role player
A brunette
A red-head
A blonde? Not quite but pink streaks yo,
A pixie cut, like Mia Farrow- cute, but I don't think so
A tall statuesque amazon
A tippie toe kisser
There is more to be said about who I am to me,
Taking vows with my soulmate is my desired journey.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 20th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 8

uh oh

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