Poetry competition CLOSED 10th January 2012 9:21am
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Broken bones and blood of the enemy!!!

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

-~]} Siren Bride [{~-

Upon the bow of the sloop that bore us in haste…
I heard the call of a maiden as pale went my face!
No mortal maid could make music so passing fair,
I longed to join her, just wash away all my care…
No mortal man could want a dream, so very bad!
I heard the crew muttering, saying that I was mad.
My knuckles tightened on the railing, so very raw,
As my angry voice lashed out, like a raven’s caw:
Let no man judge me for none have been so bold!
I’ll not let a single mutinous swine grow to be old.
I am the captain, and these waters have a power,
So gather round and listen for nigh is a dark hour.

And all the crew, they gathered before the bow…
Every man had heard the music from below now.
Some became fearful, and prepared escape rafts,
Whilst a fire that burned not was about the masts!
Pale and blue: an omen of spirits from the depths.
Whence, came they: from out darkly sunken rifts?
They were rising up and in their ascent so mighty,
I heard songs that would have shamed Aphrodite.
Slender arms reached up and dragged men down;
As terror gripped my soul I so thought I’d drown.
On each dying man’s face was a smile so sublime!
That one might think them, content to sink in brine.

I heard the voice, of one who with Dagon dines…
And I felt sharp barbs of the divine trident’s tines.
In the places where seaweed adorns maiden’s hair,
The sea gods awaken, in their long forgotten lair.
Above, the world is shaken: by old gods, stirring!
I waited for their return, their powers conferring…
Madness to those who cannot grasp the mystery,
Of those who were ancient: before man’s history.
Dagon arose that day, and sent the sirens to hunt,
For those already tainted, to drink of watery font.
I cast to the gods a coin from a Spanish treasure,
And a sea goddess showed me wicked pleasure!

My crew came up from below; I am captain still…
Now we sail forever, seeking living blood to spill!
My bride is a green maiden of the depths, a siren:
She sings when men die beneath our blades again.
Pale azure flame that consumes not, in the rigging,
Announces our ship of fools, her bell dully ringing.
Once, we were privateers, of fortune and esteem,
But now we drift on the sea, in our waking dream.
The old ones who dwell in their cities of the deep,
When they ensnare a soul, it is theirs to ever keep.
The lads cannot die, and in my sleep is nightmare!
So if you hear the cry of the sirens sailor, beware.

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 5awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 152

Told him I'd be back in due time
Next time you hit
Crush your enemy completely
But he left the job incomplete
Down in the pit
I found out I still could breathe
Contempted sigh....
On the closest wall I left a sign in blood reading
In the dark
Lurks a dreaded killer
Nothing but vengence on his mind
Fuck the law
I tighten my jaw
As I peer into the living room
Packed with men about to meet their doom
'Perfect' i mumble beneath my breath
Silent whispers of death
As i advance
To take every chance
A loaded barretta
Poised to settle an old vandetta
Five men drowning in alcohol
Not knowing how close they are to their tragic end
I take down the first four
Too bad they shared the fate of an evil friend
I watch them proceed to bleed
Their agonised groanings rise and drop
One on one with the enemy
Now what's up?
Lets do it like men
I threw away the smoking weapon
Pounce on him like a wild demon
Several punches to the face
Every punch supported by a phrase
'Its all over now'
'Its all over now'
My fury unquenched
Until my whole cloth's drenched
With his blood
Slowly he left the world
With a flash of suprise in his eyes
Its a cruel world we're living in
And everyman dies

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

Ahoy Maties! One more piratey tale of blood and gold on the high seas, and that will be me last entry for this contest... Arrrgh!!!

>-~ Upon the Spanish Main ~ -<
The Final Voyage of a Pirate

Colorless, is the evening gloom, as I ponder by the shore…
Thinking thoughts of when we sailed on the wine-dark seas.
I cannot bear that there could be no adventure ever more…
As I hear a solitary gull, which is alone despite all its’ pleas.
Golden treasure, and lusty maids, but none so fair as thee…
Oh when didst thou depart, to climes where goddesses go?
I shall wait here for thee my love; oh I shall wait by the sea!
Our ship shall surely put in to port, when gentle winds blow.
But I cannot wait forever, and thou art so very far from me,
So I shall find a worthy ship and crew, to go upon a search.
We’ll sail the waves of Poseidon and challenge our destiny,
Until I come before thy throne, before where angels perch!
On the morrow I’ll set sail, and the Devil will not hinder us.
Let none get in the way of the dreams I’ve a mind to claim!
I’m done with weeping by the water and making my fuss…
So I shall seek my beloved, upon the golden Spanish Main.

Orange sun did break the dawn and soon my crew I found,
A mad bunch were the lads, and overly fond of their rum…
Our vessel was a merchantman, and to sea we were bound.
For love and gold, a pirate’s life of wicked and devilish fun!
But I did not forget thee my love, and I shall find thee soon,
For there must be a way to unite those lost to time’s folly…
Even if I must set course to the dark seas around the moon!
Heave to my lads, and raise the black flag, and sing ye jolly.
We’ll burn the timbers of the foe and make them fear us all,
For when love and glory be the cause it makes fools brave!
We’ll sail until we reach world’s end and over the sides fall,
One final grand adventure awaits us, upon the distant wave!
And so we sailed in high spirits, and carved a crimson path,
Wherever the winds blew us at adventure’s own demand…
A bloody crew were the lads, and overly prone unto wrath.
Gold and booty we claimed aplenty, ere we made for land!

I knew the isle that welcomed us and thought it passing fair,
For once, the governor’s daughter thought of me so fondly.
But in my absence, she longed for me with an obsessive air,
And now she sought to claim her coveted prize so proudly.
A word to her father and I was brought unto their mansion,
Where she offered me everything of love a man could wish.
But for thee only, my love, did blaze the fire of my passion!
And the governor’s daughter could be cold as a metal dish.
So a martyr I would be for thee, and hang for love’s honor,
Unless my hearty lads could free me from the heavy noose!
They saved my life surely enough, as to the sea once more;
We fled as a whole navy gave chase, all Hell broken loose.
Their cannons and ours blazed as broadsides crashed aloud,
Each turning to fight the other, none seeking to back down!
And soon we sank to the bottom, gold and glory so proud,
Sinking unto the bottom of the main, whilst men did drown.
I met you there beneath the waves, in mermaids’ company,
The only mortal lass amongst them, welcoming me home…
Thus a pirate may die content, embracing love’s hospitality.
I breathe my last with no regrets and with nothing to atone!

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

*Drum roll*

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592


Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Hi there Paul. I have been sitting here rolling the drum for a while now! hahaha!

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

ha ha ha ha ha ha and I've been waiting with the symbals for the finale clash ! ha ha ha ha

Dangerous Mind
India 15awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2259

Okay. This has gone far too much.

I found one more today.

Too bad.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Whitewand6 said:Okay. This has gone far too much.
I found one more today.
Too bad.

Oh wow. Other than this one? Thats not sad.

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