Poetry competition CLOSED 5th January 2012 6:11pm
diddi (Paul Summerscales)
View Profile Poems by diddi
RUNNERS-UP: Grace and Splint

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2016

He was once a rich man
but he had a cold heart
So a witch banished him
to live in the dark
He was a helpless creature
when around gold and silver
The girls trapped him with his greed
and they all laughed as they agreed
Into a werewolf who ends his days,
Kept by the laughing girls in a golden cage....

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
New Zealand 6awards
Joined 23rd May 2010
Forum Posts: 311

Solvent stings she screamed aloud
She dropped the can
And followed behind
The calibre of her boyfriends gun
Lay still warm
next to him in the hall
Masks like scabs about their eyes
Both of them a silent night
Solvent stings

Don't do drugs kids!

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2016

Thanks Star.

poet Anonymous

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Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Cadaver  Re_animate    

Church bells
and pitched roof of slate
in silence after they rang
a train went through a burial gate
a bird broke forth and sang.
tombstones anticipate
the rising of dead man
a rumbling underground  
of shake
the drum begins to pound
cadaver  re-animate
with a snapping , gristle sound
empty socket skulls awake
boney hands claw the ground
they scratch and scrape
the damp streets late
with gutteral , corpse , throat sound
looking for a life to take
with dragging steps unbound .

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

A quest futile

Dark grey skies on world-end realms
traverse this maiden on a dark quest
Fairness goes into sombre terrain
to look and seek the one she loves
Up on their brooms the witches stream,
Watching the lone figure down below
crooked and black in the crescent's gleam,
of the silvery orb they call the moon
Silver lights of magic and doom
flay the maiden in her bloom
Cutting short her troubled life
On a quest no more
and away they swarm 'neath the dragon's feet
Cackling in glee as they return
to the sad imprisoned prince

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Thanks miss starstruck , I have always been a bit crackers ha ha ha  

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 24th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 7

Masks like scabs about their eyes....
something below.
their waist... was HUGE! something I couldnt describe.
Looked E.T. like out of this world.. I think I recognized..
They had an alien-like head , skinny shapeless thighs..
But soon looked familiar .. I then later, gasped and sighed .. it was a monster it was beast, had it surley catch my eyes..
For it was much more than a new toy.. it grew more than one of them.. more like four of them .. there stuck his stick of 9 inch joy..

poet Anonymous

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vaine valenc
Lost Thinker
Germany 1awards
Joined 20th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 10

as i look into the light
i try to fight
the fright
i have from you
who should i choose...
Masks like scabs about their eyes
are the ones who watch over me
and tell me lies
should i follow...
the posion vain who dares me to swallow
the final breathe of my despare sorrow

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