Poetry competition CLOSED 24th December 2011 10:03pm
Grace (ldryad)
View Profile Poems by Grace
RUNNERS-UP: diddi and Jordanne

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Under the Influence

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 579

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about the first time you did a drug or got drunk and how it made you feel.
This poem can be written in any way. Of course there should only be one entry per person.
Most people never feel as good or bad as their first time.
Capture this moment in a poem.
I hope to see some great poems :)

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Images Of Saturn     (SP Summerscales)

Sitting at ten pence shaped tables
bodies in infra red
all around me
I peer through fenetres
paved in glass
out into the blustery skies
I watch a rainbow smoulder
through the summer air
prismatic is the holder
of the golden
sunshine yesteryear
solar picks a colour
of her auburn cola hair
Images of saturn
arise to my eyes
god how I wish
I was back there .

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318


Bubbles on the rim
of a beer glass
popping one by one
the world grows a little dim
the rim on my lips
I swallow all at once
the music sounds abrasive
the noise too loud
my throat seems too parched
down it goes the lovely liquid
the bottles swim
in golden liquid
the stars are twinkling
my mind goes languid
who cares, I am thirteen now
who cares, I am a big girl
I say to myself
as I walk out of the bar
cold air hit me
gasping I breath
open my mouth wide to inhale
instead I explode
in half digested un-distinguishables
with the golden liquid,
not so golden now...
I wake up
on the floor of my bathroom
with galloping horses
in my head.

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 579

great poems thankyou for joining :)

Twisted Dreamer
Romania 4awards
Joined 1st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 74

The day it started,
was too long ago,
it was the pressure of the rift
the pressure of my mind telling me to
my heart crying for me not to,
the people around me were already higher than kites,
what the hell,
the firs hit,
literally hit me hard,
my lungs burnt as i held it in and got a small high,
my heart was dying as  i did this,
my who body convulsed as I coughed,
the second hit,
it was easier,
there was a drink of beer in there,
a beer or two,
after the third hit I was flying high with the big boys,
alcohol and hit's,
it was a thrill ride,
but ever thrill ride came to an end,
that end was filled with screams and yells as people were taken out,
I was still semi conscious when I ran.
My body hurt as I ran through the woods with the police.
They caught the people behind me,
almost got me.

That was my first smoke and to say...
it wasn't half bad until the next morning when I tasted s*** all day and couldn't stop coughing,
there was also that hangover and the trying cures for it,
people knew I was there at the party,
but no one asked how I got out,
my coach was pissed all week that I couldn't make the track meet,
she asked and I spilled,
her only regret was that  she could have stopped me,
I asked how,
she said that she could have told me her first time,
she was spiked and raped,
she never again touched the high or buzz again...
My first time wasn't nearly as bad as her's

Twisted Dreamer
Romania 4awards
Joined 1st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 74

im going to post this one on my page, so you dont think i just copied and pasted ^__^

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 579

MidnightXDawn said:im going to post this one on my page, so you dont think i just copied and pasted ^__^

thats fine the poem doesnt have to be new

Thought Provoker
Jamaica 2awards
Joined 14th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 171

<Advil By Jordanne Rubix>

I am a geek
I guess a freak
I am a nerd
A hopeless bookworm

My Mother, stern
Forced on me words to learn
To far excel
Thus creating this hellish realm

Late nights I stayed up
“Balancing” on the cusp
I barely maintained
My mind did started to frail

I read and read
With lighting speed
To ace my assignments was the bottom-line
Honour Roll Student on my grind

Drinking rum, chilled
And taking advil
To ease the migrains
Just to stable my mind-frames

Popping pills and drinking
More popping pills than drinking
Then... because the headaches would not go away

It started off with two pills a day
Just to keep the throbs delayed
Two every four hours, turned into four every two hours
-- thats like thirty-six pills per day???

Factor in, maybe, five hours of sleep
For insomnia now slowly developing
And hooked on fucking advil???

Then one day the bottle was finished
My nerves where shot, I was diminished
I bawled and screamed for more
I threw a tantrum broke my lantern
–lucky no one was home

I slapped myself
Drew in a deep breath
Said: No more taking advil
Fourteen, just a teen
What are you doing popping fucking advil?

Lost Thinker
Joined 15th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 9

I took of on a journey,
in the middle of the night.
A beautiful long journey,
I travelled out on light.

I'm travelling at light speed,
the drugs are kicking in.
I wonder what I'm doing,
I know this is a sin.

I only want to get away,
I only want to play.
I don't know where I'm off to,
I didn't want to stay.

The stardust shines as I go fast,
I think I'm looking at the past.
I look on back but I can't see,
the things that stopped me being free.

I coming down, I'm going to land.
This thing I've done it wasn't planned.
I thought they'd help, but I'm not right.
I think I gave myself a fright.

Crashing down, I'm back on land.
my head is wasted in the sand.
They never helped, they never do!
I think I'll go back on the booze!

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 579

great poems

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 23rd Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 21

  1st time getting high
Smoking a blunt rolling a joint
Doing this shit is what i enjoy
Getting a fix from a nickel or dime
Already rolled up it’s time to get high
My legs are dead my body is numbed
I'm trying really hard to reach the tip of my tongue
It frees my spirit and opens my mind
It leaves my worries, depression, and problems behind
I feel like a butterfly because I feel like I'm free

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 23rd Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 15

Handle of Jack in the afternoon.
Excerpt from my journal
Written 4/28/2004

Grab the bottle,
guzzle one, two, three, four, five mouthfuls.
Feel the sting,
taste the tiny droplets resting on my lips.
cringe, skew the face,
damn that tastes horrible.
Then, slowly the warmness comes.
Guzzle more mouthfuls.
The warmness needs to overtake me.
It eventually complies,
spreading through the veins in my body like a current.
So this is feeling full,
of something not repulsive
but of something warm and inviting.
The slowness is enjoyable.
Nothing can hurt me now.
I'm engulfed in this feeling.
The warmness wants to strip me of everything that I am.
It is now my turn to comply,
to let something else run my life;
if only for a little while.

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 579

Grace said:Thirteen

Bubbles on the rim
of a beer glass
popping one by one
the world grows a little dim
the rim on my lips
I swallow all at once
the music sounds abrasive
the noise too loud
my throat seems too parched
down it goes the lovely liquid
the bottles swim
in golden liquid
the stars are twinkling
my mind goes languid
who cares, I am thirteen now
who cares, I am a big girl
I say to myself
as I walk out of the bar
cold air hit me
gasping I breath
open my mouth wide to inhale
instead I explode
in half digested un-distinguishables
with the golden liquid,
not so golden now...
I wake up
on the floor of my bathroom
with galloping horses
in my head.

Winning poem great job everyone

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Oh Wow! I won! Yay...*claps* thank you, thank you...Paul, you won too! How cool is that...and Jordanne! Yay Us!

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