Poetry competition CLOSED 8th December 2011 5:37pm
lepperochan (CraicDealer)
View Profile Poems by lepperochan
RUNNER-UP: kriticool

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Cliche Heaven

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

        Can't quite take it all in
         beside you at the altar
      your white dress sets the soft
       pastels of your cheeks aglow

        If tears were an option
         crying  would be easy
    but there are things to be said
      and it is my turn to speak

    the music you chose echo's loud
  along the high arch tempting angels
     to sing with all their heart
    alas they shy from your beauty

      then with a nod of a head
    the red velvet curtains open
        and you pass through
     to become like the phoenix

the primary theme and twist centers around 19
secondary's include 1 10 12 and 17

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 30th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 12

Call me Ace of Spayed
I'm making miracles
like Hollywood births stars
some claim talent is innate
but its something you can't earn with blood'
my ache-, ills, and heals to be real
magic is cliche lyricism is more mystic in more ways
music is less impressive with out word play
I'm spreading lyrical lessons like darkness in 1348
but this isn't Europe today to be fly
you practically have to sound gay
hardcore metaphors don't get you no play
so often people don't bite me
cause i caught garner no pay
say your prayers for me to win
didn't do me no good i'm still
stuck in this hood with debt that
would make america count they blessings
i'm far from decent closer in an ideal world
to cheap adhesive

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

Just been looking over my entry again Jess and i am not entirely happy with it, I wonder if I could take it down and do it again.please

poet Anonymous

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Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

The theme for this poem is Blood. It is exactly 30 lines long.

- Sanguine Seduction -

It was not the night that caught my eye,
But your eyes sparkling in the firelight…
As you poured the wine for us to drink!
Whilst we talked of the stars in the sky,
Enjoying the music of the majestic night.
So intent was my desire that I do think:
You were the one seducing me so well,
That your charm played with my own…
I sipped from your cup, a thirst to quell.
And when we kissed, it warmed stone!

I drank the wine from your full red lips,
And it tasted like the sweetest honey…
Though it was most uncommon a mead.
My arms wrapped, around your hips…
Our embrace was as a fire hot and free.
Each of us sensing, of the other’s need!
The kiss ended, and you smiled serene,
Your teeth glinting in the fireplace glow.
How noble is a smile from a fair queen!
I was far too innocent; now I do know.

As we made love, on the black fur rug,
Your eyes were blazing with mad mirth.
And once more we kissed in passion…
Whilst locked as one, in our carnal hug,
I learned the nature of the wine’s worth.
When you told me, in sadistic fashion…
That it was your own blood, we drank!
Now that wine flowed in my own veins,
As into my flesh, your teeth you sank…
Transforming me full, with blissful pains.

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

The theme for this poem is Darkness. It is exactly 30 lines long.

- Darkness Like Light -

I know not what I sought, in old ruins…
Perhaps the reason for man’s madness!
But long I tarried there, lost, and lonely.
Perhaps I was atoning for my past sins,
Or contemplating new ones in sadness!
And that is when I saw a maid, comely.
Just a girl, with eyes as blue as the sky,
And hair as golden, as the sun’s rays…
With a voice too perfect, to ever deny.
But in such a guise, the Devil oft preys!

It is said she lives in places so desolate,
As that ancient temple, I was exploring.
But in this modern age no one believes!
The girl walked towards me desperate,
Several blended voices came poring…
From that angelic face that so deceives.
And into her deep blue eyes I gazed…
Made blind to peril by beautiful singing.
I felt such adoration it made me dazed,
As I knelt before her, my piety brining!

She was light so pure it must be divine,
But within that light was pure darkness.
And within that dark, a light of rapture!
I embraced her power; I made it mine,
Letting her will vanquish my weakness.
For we are spirits as kindred in nature!
Once, I feared the dark, but no longer.
Its’ reptilian mind, was not alien to me,
But familiar so it makes me stronger…
For darkness, like light helps us to see.

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492

Button Man

this mister.. he’d whisper,
“you religious? say your prayers
it was all business in these private affairs
them apathetic stares
brought about helpless fears

and it’d be somewhat like music or
some days in some ways
even better than a good meal

that last squeal of an Achilles heel
and as far as he could remember
that’d be the magic he’d feel

NO witness; NO pretending
NO relenting with that
darkness descending

the inevitable check-off on the hit-list
that summary of an exacting purpose
he’s never been adverse to this
his being "The Curse" in this..

for many years
he’d been shoveling all kinds of shit
each & every bit
the dirt & the rust
the blood, the puss
those loose lips that went bust
even that sparkly space shit
no shine, life gone…t'was a NO fit

roughnecks got erased
while placed against the blade
trumped by NO one was this ace of spades
a head hole, a plug made, then the fade
business is business…t’was not the arcade

it’d be a hammer cocked, then clicked
then he’d bury ‘em in the ground
any-rat-you-out-body…was not to be found

another bitch thrown
now prone & lain in a ditch
to atone was the erasing of an outright glitch
he’d be the one consigned to flip their last switch
another kill, hole filled;
with NO headstone to see

the family business motto: “loose ends don’t agree.”


10, 6, 4, 5, 7, 3, 2, 1

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492

Waiting - Full - Out

with feelings maximized
each nerve has its own verve
beginnings and endings with their own vigor
united in seeking a gleaming surface
where sitting in the distance
sits another finish line; an expanse
where at that moment; again
posted is another stop
motion is awaiting another go at it


collective motion seemingly beyond reach
yet calling to all men…act or cease
and like his ancestor before; this progeny
his mission…to exist
this he could never resist
so he would seek…then desist
but beforehand setting aright a place
one born of its own bliss


a festering of doubt
again settled here amongst fools
professing their over-wrought fondness
how they cherished his presence
always remaining ready & willing
yet, stifled…held in check by an inherent idleness
and so this progeny of Man...too-kind
willing to lead, but
followed only by his own doubt
yet comprehending something greater
sensing it was there to be found
beyond the sight of fools and his own doubt

wherein his existence was supported by his nerve
beginnings & endings pointing the way
with the verve & vigor of fools
still remaining attached
not to be left


11, 16, 18, 14, 12, 19, 20

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

I loved you once

Strewn on the floor
Face up the Ace of Spades
I remember you then dear
The man who gazed at the stars

Born of woman's blood you are
But you had your Achilles heel
Your touch was Magic
Your voice, melodious like Pans' Music

Your name is ultimate Darkness
however, for you stray, you could not stay
Unfaithfulness was your second name
You just let fly, the lust within you

Bite me you used to whisper
I thought that sexy and cute
Now I know thats how
You say your prayers

Leave then, my faithless love
Fly through the dark night
I pray to God above
that you will be alright

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3008

one ace of spades
outshines all the stars in the deck
the blood races on the way to boston
the achilles heel of the game, i suspect

the true magic of music
just close your eyes & in the darkness you will fly
& please dont hesitate to bite me
if i dont tell you to say your Prayers before you die

cant you feel overwhelmed by emotions
when you express that your Love has begun
to flow through you behind your four walls
& not the Love felt between mother & son

we would have done this before yesterday
if this world would bend to my command
now i will inject my miracle into your womb
so that even in my death, you wont be without this man

for many years i have Talked To God And He Told me death lurks near
i guess my time has come to see what is beyond this Earthly pier

remember you are Loved & in my seed you shall never forget me.....

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3008

btw jest, i used them all in the order which they are listed....the 1st 10 exactly the way they are & 11-20 strongly influenced the rest of my selection

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 21st Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 84

an ace of spades in this sordid deck that passes as life
she knew better than to give in to the illusion that all's rosy, all's right
not every bright flicker is a glowing star in the latter parts of the night
nor does darkness always lend refuge to hidden horrors rather than
being just a mere supple cover for endless voids, a dull semblance of disguise
the music that steers her thoughts, fly light years in times beyond
she draws her strength from blood that sings to contour her veins and pulse
an urge that keeps her ready to spring at the next stop,
milestones to cross stead of sinking in a swampy rut
were she dealt better cards than hers if one reshuffled those now in play
say your prayers she was often told, yet rely on no other but your own
words that held fast against fade, unlike other age softened thoughts left behind
yet the Achilles tendon of her convictions lay bare
to the subtle gaps in the pessimistic waves she rides
holes that are defiantly kept open sucked in by ancient magic long lost
for generations of washed up kids that grow
into clueless guardians of twisted households
denied a serenity that befalls some in unexpected bursts
in the sculpted contours of a neonate after years of barren dreams explored
the prismatic colors that greet a former blind, as de novo eyes greet their first dawn
in the first sip of cool water drunk by dust crusted mouths
of pilgrims half buried in smooth dunes of forgotten sand
a utopia now diluted by hollow promises of eternal love
quality moments reduced into cheap reminders of what she could have had
even as the mirage of this pseudo-heaven comes under threat unless she aids
those that dispense false hopes is shoals to palcate the restless into softned snores
she gives a sly smile instead and softly mutters
Bite Me

1-10, 12, 14, 16-20

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