Poetry competition CLOSED 27th February 2010 8:14pm
rayheinrich (Death Plane for Teddy)
View Profile Poems by rayheinrich
RUNNERS-UP: CruelHandedWriter and diddi

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competition  'My writing'

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Infra Read

Ive crossed that line
I've wasted too much time
can you see my hand sign
thats what I think of gold mines
and their plastic digger's
nothing but drastic figures
but I got  bigger pictures .
A world of carved ice
sculptured and recultered
to the fashion of a dice
thrown upon a new grown
game of passionate life
you know it blows
when only money
buy's a wife  
I kind of oppose to this
phoney way of life
so go decompose
because I've opened my eyes
I don't see the cold
what I visualise
is infra read
a book all must read
it contains some heat
and its gone to my head .
and am gonna leave my seat
jump through the window
and explode into a beat
a quicker pulse tempo
a savoured sweet
no more limbo
its a cloud 9
crossing through our time
so I thought you should know
that I've crossed that line .

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 942

I totally agree with Priya - your commitment has been second to none.
You deserve a prize for running this competition in such a professional and entertaining way, Melissa.

Fire of Insight
Joined 22nd Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 315

Oh Melissa...I am so excited...you have choosen my winners!!!
I hope that you are not biased...ha ha ha:-)
And then I seriously agree with abracadabra that your spirit behind this amazing competition truly deserves a prize!!!
As far as my work was concerned...I am delighted with your comments...I later changed the name of my poem after my posting and I re-christened it..."A Poem From Page-3"...I think this as the more appropriate title...and one of my reader also shared me the same view towards my closing lines and by his request I am writing a sequel on that called..."Another Poem From Page3"...Very shortly I will post it on the site...Gosh I could have written the same extract in this competition...I wish I could have won...But this has went nice to me...you readers are my inspiration...
Dear Webmistress...can we do that?

poet Anonymous

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