Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd October 2011 3:52am
Abracadabra (Abra)
View Profile Poems by Abracadabra
RUNNERS-UP: DarcAnGeL and rayheinrich

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it's not easy being green

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 23rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1

our planet hurts just as much as we do

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 3rd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 14

Green Jean had a baby boy
All natural foods he'd enjoy
Knew the breast
Served baby best
One tit organic the other soy

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 942

The Electric Car's Prayer

May that great battery in the sky
maintain all my energy levels
in sufficient quantity
to provide a realistic range
acceptable to discerning drivers
without resorting
to poisonous fossil fuels

Bless the design team
who gave me my benign
Ferrari smile
shrinking my power cells
to acceptable dimensions
whilst keeping the weight down
and my purchase price low

Grant little children ears
to hear my silent approach
as they reclaim the streets
to play smog free
for I know how oil companies
love to seize on tragedy
milking bad publicity to the max

Please persuade celebrities
to use me freely
with full national network coverage
And in the early days
when I feel crushed
by the harsh air-horns of truckers
as they hound me on the freeway
do not let 50 mph seem like my
last gasp

Please God let me be
a vehicle that my owner feels proud
to hose down on the drive
and above all please
let people think
I am a real automobile
and not just a toaster on wheels


Guardian of Shadows
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 942


There's an empty old house in Bulgaria  
at the foot of the mountains,  
near a European fault line  

It has large windows and a green porch  

For the same price as my beat-up VW  
or half a British holiday  

There are no immediate neighbours,  
it comes with its own land  
complete with fruit trees  
and outbuildings  

I could grow things--  
keep a donkey  
and Oh,  
there's a well as well  

I could learn the language  
embrace the community  
finding some answers  
I can't find where my life is today

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411

[font=Courier New][size=2]
  < the great white birds have come back to us >

        the great white birds
        have come back to the bay
        those great white water birds
        busy breeding again
        busy grabbing their fish
        busy swooping over my head
        those great white birds
        back from the shadows
        here again
        here in the bay
        the shadows of their wings
        making the sun blink
        so here's a salute
        to the Baytown Rod, Reel, and Gun Club
        to my father and my mother and their friends
        to all those stubborn fisherman and hunters
        to all those who loved the bay
        they put their work in
        (thirty years of it)
        they put their work in
        what it could be
        they did their part
        what it should be
        Rod, Reel, and Gun Club Fish Fry Fairs
        and city councilmen
        Rod, Reel, and Gun Club Oyster Fry Festivals
        and state senators
        and letters, all those letters...
        letters to the newspapers
        letters to the congress
        letters to the companies
        letters to anyone who would
        (but mostly wouldn't)
        and here's a salute
        to the fight against the shell dredgers
        "it will cost jobs" the dredgers said
        "there's not that much silt" the dredgers said
        while the silt from their dredging
        was killing the oyster reefs
        killing the marshes
        my mom, the pilot, renting a plane
        my dad, hanging out the window
        hanging out the window over Galveston bay
        my mom and dad
        swooping over the bay
        my dad taking pictures of the silt
        of the plumes of dredgers' silt
        stretching far across the bay
        my dad sending pictures to the newspapers
        my dad proving the dredgers lied
        the great white birds
        have come back to us
        those great white birds
        back from the shadows
        the shadows of their wings
        making the sun blink

               - - -

 (And yes, it's all true. I'm not sure why I've never written
  a poem about it. (Maybe I never felt I could.) So thank you
  beautiful_accident for holding this competition, it was just
  the kick in the butt I needed.)

Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 315

I'm happy to kick butt anytime :)

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 21st Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 84

Eviction Notice

Another storm warning is on the news
how many this week, three? plus maybe another two
all with the the same message, same ol' chant
the RENT is DUE, the RENT is DUE

a tsunami has hit my neighbors' place
their stuff tossed out, their kids, the lucky ones now homeless
the bill is long, our debts are deep
a flash flood warning
debt collectors have started to ring,
my time is near

i travel far, skip oceans and continents
escape the harassment, lay low in some foreign land
but my land lady owns it, she's just so fuckin everywhere
heat waves and hail storms deliver her texts
Katrina, Irene, Tomas and Ike
her avenging soldiers, a hint of her incredible might
the clock is ticking

next, she started getting nasty
shaking the floors underneath us, fires are now aplenty
breaking our things as we broke hers
armageddon's just her way of warning her tenants
lest they be replaced by tidy phantoms
those that found no place in Hades's crowded kingdom
dead souls can't beat us the world's destruction champions
maybe their presence will give her peace while she slowly rejuvenates

so we look up at the classifieds
that lay dark between the twinkles at night
some still not finished, some just too far
some already inhabited by 'aliens' just not up to par
that leaves us at square one
with what some call mother, earth, nature, and many other nicknames
who hears we will soon check out,
and maybe move out to Mars
another branch of her ever expanding franchise
she sends us a letter, stamped with death and dark smoke

an eviction notice has been signed and delivered to us all
ominously hanging over every catastrophe we hear of
there on the bottom is the amount due
what we owe her for all the years plus damages plus interest of course
and still counting...

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 942

Extreme Content Warning : This poem contains extreme content which some readers may find disturbing. It is unsuitable for children or anyone who is easily offended.

Please . . .


poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 315

Congratulations Abra, DarcAnGel, and Ray! Thank you everyone for your entries; it was very difficult picking a winner!

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 21st Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 84

Great job Abra! those were great enteries
2nd place! oh my, thanx BA i honestly never expected that since there were so many great poems in this thread
congratz to u too Ray

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 942

Big thanks for running this so diligently, BA - we need more 'green' content at DUP, so keep banging the drum.
I wonder if a category for poems dealing with environmental issues might be something for the Webmiz to consider.

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411

     "and they cannot feed on hope
      or a cliche handful of rice forever"

[font=Courier New][size=2]
  I think Abra should get AT LEAST THREE first place awards.
  Heartfelt and SO diverse. Congrats! (You secret cat you.)

Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 315

I agreed; Abra kept coming like a machine-- each time with something entirely different than anything else.

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