Poetry competition CLOSED 4th October 2011 3:28pm
rayheinrich (Death Plane for Teddy)
View Profile Poems by rayheinrich
RUNNER-UP: lepperochan

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What Is Your Issue?

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

line up line up get your plumpynut*
donated by the not so well off
brought here by the [i][i]gia

  the astronaut is never hungry

there is no dog here to feed the leftovers
of a well cooked sunday lunch
and the sound of the fork scraping
brings a tinge of guilt

it's the same old story on the t.v
mother's crying,children eye the flies
and the men scurry back with a bowl
the hunter tamed,tamed by who?

i ponder the age of science, technology
as i discard an empty pack of fags
and i wonder why in gods name
we can buy a ticket to the moon
but we cant stop incessant hunger
by choice,at any price

*plumpynut = the nutrition bar given out during famine by the red cross

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 942

No apologies J, for reposting this again
& again & again & AGAIN...

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 3rd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3


Seasons change,
But what remains?
It’s nothing new or splendid.
It is just an us (a people) of a world that turns,
While we remain unmoving------
Unwilling to embrace Love and all her beauty.

Yet if the man in Japan realized how his neighbor was starving,
Or that woman in New Zealand fought for better education,
And that teen in Italy began a petition against the spread of AIDS,
Or if I, an American, took the time to prevent further global warming
Then less of us would remain unmoving----

In fact, we would be momentous in effecting change;
And each of us could spread the word of Love,
Along with all her wisdom.

For seasons come and go my friends,
But what remains?
It’s a something new and splendid:
The Knowledge that we (a people) are brothers and sisters of this Earth,
Compatriots and relatives to a greater cause-----
The fight for Tomorrow’s children in Today’s world.

Panama Judas
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1421

so, can I put in my already penned one, seen as it was technically written for this?

poet Anonymous

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Panama Judas
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1421

Kick a humanist in the head, for me

He stopped me with wide-stretched arms, which annoyed me
so I took out my headphones and explained
the flaws to his body language.
"You have now insisted that this conversation
during which you attempt to prise money from me
commences with me being irritated... You have 60 seconds
to sing their sob story."
And, so he went on. Nonsense about how fifty pence a day
could stop children being mistreated or beaten
by parents and their obscure versions of love.
I could see the Christianity in his eyes
so I stopped him at 67 seconds to help him out.
"I'm afraid I can't help you"
"Why," he asked
"50 pence a day is a packet of tobacco a week,
I need to smoke as often as possible, and...
I do not want to protect these children,
the sooner they learn what they'll be growing up in to
the better..."
He looked disgusted with me, so I walked away
from his lack of understanding.
I've heard it all before: 'They're just children.'
If the NSPCC starts putting their funds in to castrating
the spineless fucks that conceive sprogs
for their own sick and twisted pleasure
then they can have my fifty pence a day...
Fuck it I'll double it.
But, for the moment, when there isn't a single
government notion suggesting not to have that child
They can find the next humanist mug
who is probably walking five paces behind me
thinking about how protected he is.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 942

This one's for our Tammy...

Choking on a Stolen Marshmallow

It's zero tolerance
just like a paedo
I'd put plago's like you
on a register
tag your IP address
and ban you for life

Just like the nazi writing
you ripped from the web
you could never quite grow
the right shaped mustache

Just like your shiny new titles,
your gushy little thank you's
and your pretty please profile notes
only fit for the trash

"Poor you,
not enough minutes
in a writer's day..."

Just like a fraud,
a liar and a thief
run off of Facebook
and not a poetic bone in your body
worthy to break
but when the truth washed up
you stank like a rat
in the jaws of disgrace

And thank you
advanced search Google
for helping me piss
this much honesty
so deservedly
in your face.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 308

There is no escape
From the pyramids imposed on us so long ago
When man-gods stood atop
Channeling the galaxy which beams into divine scepter
The triangle always pressing down with its rigid nature
A few on the hill with all the gold
The most cunning devils harness all the souls
Evolution is the only escape from the grip reaching down
So difficult to live when that hand snatches your breath
Three sides so strong in a shape supporting each other
The trinity driving control with mass mesmerism
Nothing will ever change
War is in the blood of the cold
Reptiles slither in the eye
Needle point that pierces the sky
Ever drawing energy
Pissing down the will
Upon those so timid they choose to remain still

let it be
Tyrant of Words
United States 25awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 8869

This one's for our Tammy...

Choking on a Stolen Marshmallow

It's zero tolerance
just like a paedo
I'd put plago's like you
on a register
tag your IP address
and ban you for life

Just like the nazi writing
you ripped from the web
you could never quite grow
the right shaped mustache

Just like your shiny new titles,
your gushy little thank you's
and your pretty please profile notes
only fit for the trash

"Poor you,
not enough minutes
in a writer's day..."

Just like a fraud,
a liar and a thief
run off of Facebook
and not a poetic bone in your body
worthy to break
but when the truth washed up
you stank like a rat
in the jaws of disgrace

And thank you
advanced search Google
for helping me piss
this much honesty
so deservedly
in your face.

Finally lol someone else seen what I seen... Wonderful poem ;)))

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 15th July 2011
Forum Posts: 25

Manipulating the world
Endlessly shaping it
Deciding what stays and goes
Incorporating your own views
Attacking at will to control

Capitalizing on ignorance
Of those who trust you
Notoriously feuding all
Tactically dethroning
Rebelling against power
Offering no solution
Leaving a repeat to feed on

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